13 miles (AP 7:37) with Becky on the last half of the SGM course. I have done practically no downhill running since Boston. It was evident today. Only a few miles into it and I started having gut issues. It wasn't horrible, but bad enough that it didn't feel good. I had Mexican food with Shelby at Coyote Charros the day before (as well as had downed a bunch of dark chocolate covered mangos that I bought from Costco). I was definitely feeling it all. BOO! Fortunately Becky's company helped me through and we found an outhouse type facility around the Snow Canyon area for a quick pit stop. Now today (Sunday) my calf muscles are letting me know that I absolutely need to get some downhill work in. A definite wake up call! (I have done occasional hill work but I'm always pushing hard up and jogging back down.) So happy to have had Becky to push me. :-) |