4 hours and 15 minutes mountain biking in Brian Head!!! Crazy fun the first couple of hours and then kind of scary the remaining 2.25 hours. Ry and I got lost somewhere between the Lowland Pools/Dark Hollow area. We thought we heard moose but ended up be surrounded by about 30 black angus who wouldn't let us pass. As we tried to find a new route we got crazy lost. Ended up having to find our way to the highway and then ride 6 crazy uphill miles back to our car. We had run out of fluids, had no sunscreen on, and were plain ill-prepared. But at least I was with my love celebrating 19 years!! Shelbey was so great and insisted that she stay with our kiddos so that we could get a quick getaway. Spontaneous moments sometimes make the best memories!! Here's to Brain Head, Angus cows, and getting lost with my love! :-) Oh yea, and crazy heavy quads and bizarre sunburn lines the day after!!! :-) |