All I can say is WOW! I went into town with my wife and ran home the short way. Down Past Dixie High and over Hilton Drive to Tonaquint over the hill to home. My warm up mile was 7:33, too fast but the legs felt light today- mile 2 6:49 and feeling good so I decided to keep this up as long as I could. Of course there were a few breaks for traffic lights along the way. mile 3 6:44 Mile 4 6:44, this was Tonaquint Drive and the hill. Mile 5 6:35 heading into Bloomington and some down grade and the final 3/4 mile @ 6:36 Average pace including the warmup mile was 6:52 It must have been all the spinach I ate yesterday. We had loads of a chicken and spinach salad leftover from a party so I ate tons of it yesterday and it actually had me kind of sick. It could also be that I ate a lot of everything yesterday, I kind of fell off my diet for the day....maybe a good thing! 14 days to Boston.... getting fired up!