Was more tired today with more sleep? Had a real hard time staying awake on the warmups. By the time we started running for real I had started to wake up a bit so that was good, but wow. Most tired I've been at practice for this year. Anyway, another 50% today but it was a bit quicker, guess we were feeling good. Pace didn't feel forced at all. Took Canyon trail to Bicent, then once back to the track 10 strides at 80% pace. 7:03 average including strides, 7:10 without.
Ice and STEM.
Weights: 4 sets of: 8 SL RDLs, 8 BW squats, 8 purple band pulls, 8 DB presses. Rolled out after.
I talked to coach and I'm going to try out running with the other group starting Monday, just to get a feel of where their pace is. If I can hang on for 90% of the workout, including 60s, 80s and intervals I can stay in the group, if not I'll go back to "developmental" group and switch back and forth until I'm able to keep up with the main pack. Also found out that I'm redshirting this season. Cool! Excited to get back up to where I know I can be.