| Location: Millcreek,UT, Member Since: Jun 21, 2011 Gender: Female Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: 800m- 2:23
1600m- 5:10
1 Mile- 5:12
XC 3 mile-17:55
XC 5k- 19:00
XC 6k- 22:25
Local 5k- 18:42
Local 10k- 41:31
Local 15k- 1:03:55
Unofficial Half (2020)- 1:45:46
Official Half (2021)- 1:49:28
60% (5 miles)- 32:32 (6:30 average)
80% (3 miles)- 18:52 (6:17 average)
16x400s- 82.0 average
20x400s- 82.6 average
SUU Road Race- 23:30 (3.9 miles/6:02 average) Short-Term Running Goals: Get up to 45-50 miles/week
Run a sub-19:30 5k again
Train for and race a half marathon Long-Term Running Goals: 18:45 or under 5k
Run a marathon Personal: 27 years old, not married, no kids. Going against the norm in Utah.
Mental health advocate, LGBTQ+ rights supporter. Newly identified bisexual woman. Ex-mormon
Former college runner for Southern Utah University
Currently studying Social Work at the University of Utah Favorite Blogs: |
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Asics Miles: 26.00 | Barefoot Miles: 0.50 | Spikes!!! Miles: 3.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | |
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I tried running today...fail. :( I did 2 grass laps with the girls, and it felt great to be running again!!! Towards the end of the 2nd one though, I could start to feel the pain. But I didn't pay much attention to it and assumed it was just my mind getting the best of me. Then we took a break, and did speed changes. I felt great, I was in front, right where I was supposed to be. Then I felt my foot hurting again, and thought "oh no" and laid off a bit. Abigail passed me, I tried to speed up and go with her, but it was too much. I also felt so out of shape after that! The workout was a 1000, 2 800s, and 4(?) 400s. I told Bill before we started that it was hurting, so he gave me a slower time. I wasn't happy that I couldn't do what I wanted, but I knew it was the right thing to do. So I was placed in a group with Sarah. So I just knew that I needed to stick with her. I started out great, I was right behind abigail the whole first lap, then on the 2nd my foot started to hurt again. With about 200 left, the pain in my foot and my out-of-shape-ness combined to be too much. I slowed down, and Sarah passed me, making me lose it mentally, and practically jogged the last 100. We were supposed to jog 1 1/2 laps, I got 1/2 of one done when Emily asked if my foot hurt, and I said yes, so she said to stop. So I did. Bill said to judge if it was mental stuff or if my foot really was hurting. I put weight on it, and yes, it hurt. Not as bad as the day I stopped running, but it was still hurting me pretty bad. It hurts in both places now, top and bottom. I told Bill it DID hurt, and the thing he told me was the thing I did not want to hear, to stop running. You know, I'm really upset about this. I thought I would finally be able to run, but no. Every time I watched the girls all come around the track, I was reminded that I was once there, and that if I weren't injured I would STILL be there. I'm not gonna be able to race at Pre-Regions. Back to the stupid pool.
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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AM: We met at the track early today for early morning practice. I was just gonna test out running one more time. We went to sugarhouse, and then did 6 hill loop things on the state hill and then came back. I focused on sticking with Bill on the way there. My foot wasn't too bad. On the hills though it would hurt to start, but then it felt better as I kept running. Then on the way back I felt bad, and it was just my fitness level. I'm amazed how fast that all went away, even though I went pool running. Oh well, I hope it comes back soon. My foot felt so much better! Yay!! PM: After school we did our normal practice time. During school though my foot would hurt whenever I stepped on it. I did a mile to see if it would warmup. Then I tried to do the speed changes, but it hurt it. So I stopped and asked Bill what I should do, and it turned out Caden was doing strides on the football field so he said to do them with him. I did another lap before doing them though. We did 10 barefoot. It didn't hurt my foot that much, which I think is good :)
Asics Miles: 7.25 | Barefoot Miles: 0.50 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| Race: |
Pre-Regions (3 Miles) 00:23:55, Place overall: 11, Place in age division: 11 | |
Today was Pre-regions. I wasn't even sure if I was gonna race. But I did! I kinda wish I didn't though. It sucked and did crappy. Oh well another learning experience I guess. I did a mile warmup with the girls, although it was really slow. Then I did about another half mile of strides. I started pretty fast, actually probably too fast. I was tied with Abigail for first for the first part of it. Then on Bessie I fell off. I started getting to be towards the back. Or so I thought. I pretty much quit on myself. I gave up and didn't try to pass anyone. I seriously thought about just dropping out of the race, but then decided that wouldn't do me any good. I was thinking negatively and it certainly didn't help. Then on my last time on bessie I heard Bill yelling at me, and I changed my mind about letting people pass me, and decided I would start kicking. I actually had a pretty good kick. I passed 2 girls, technically only because they started going the wrong way at the top of bessie and I knew to turn, but I like to tell myself that I would've out-kicked them anyway. One of them tried to pass me back, but I beat her...barely :) That is the most I have ever felt like I needed to puke because of running...ever. Haha.
Spikes!!! Miles: 3.00 | Asics Miles: 2.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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So today Bill went to Canada... so Emily was in charge. When she got here she told us a run, and so we set off. I decided I would try to stick with Tomy, Chris and Abigail and see how that felt. We went down to liberty, went the long way around it, then went over to 21st. Then we went up 21st, almost to sugarhouse where I fell off of them. Then we split paths there, and I kept going up 21st until I hit 21st. That seemed like a lifetime. Then I followed that until it hit foothill. I was feeling super tired and out of shape, and I felt like I needed to stop for a while now. I was going slower than before I could tell, but I was having a hard time by myself. So I stopped and walked for maybe a minute, then of course the 3 of them were behind me when I looked back. Every single time I try to stop, something like that happens. I guess it's good for me though. Then Tomy made me get in the front with Abigail, so I ran up there for a while, but I could definitely tell a change in pace. My legs got really tired, Probably because it was uphill, but I was breathing hard too. I fell off of them again. On Foothill finally, I realized how close I actually was. So I picked it up a bit, and then turned on sunnyside to finish at the track. Then I did 10 strides. My foot didn't hurt too bad! On the downhill parts I could feel it, but then I tried not to slap my feet as much and it felt so much better!!! That makes me happy. :) Now I just gotta get back in shape... That's the longest I've run in a while! :)
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Today we went to sunnyside and did a lap around there. Then we did some strides and then some 800s. My foot was hurting on the strides and decided I would just see how it feels on the first one. It warmed up, so it was okay. The 2nd one was the same. Then the 3rd one I had trouble starting because it hurt. It wasn't warming up. It started to towards the end, but every time I stopped it would start hurting again. So I decided to sit out the last 3 so as not to do anything stupid and injure myself more. :( Splits: 3:01, 3:05, and the last one 3:20 ish I think Then I ran back to the track, and then ran till I got to 5. Emily said I was limping, which isn't good. I was trying to think of what I must've done today to make it hurt. It was finally starting to feel better! But then I realized I forgot to take my ibuprofen...
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Asics Miles: 26.00 | Barefoot Miles: 0.50 | Spikes!!! Miles: 3.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | |
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