3 miles PM: Today we drove to JCC, then we ran along there, but then Bill took us along a different path and showed us a spring! It was so pretty!! We eventually had to stop running and hike because it got so steep, but we made it there eventually. We stopped for a minute at the spring, then we started to hike farther up to make it easier to get down. (the way we came was so steep, it would be scary to go back the same way.) We basically went to the top of the mountain, on top of the ridge, and that was where we started running again. We got to see the pretty view of the valley too! Ah it was so beautiful! We followed the road/path and got on a trail that took us back to the JCC trail, but we were way farther now. We ran JCC back to the car. By the time we were back to JCC trail I was pretty worn out and dehydrated. It was so long, but it was fun!!!