AM: I met some people at the Jordan River parkway out at 53rd I think? I'm not good with addresses and directions... Well, it was early. I was super tired. when we started, I decided I would try to keep up with the boys, and for the first 4 miles I did. Then we turned around, and I backed off, but Bill stayed with me, and I think if he wasn't there then I would've gone a lot slower. Then when I thought we were done, it turns out we only stopped for a gatorade break and then went and did some loop. I didn't realize it was a loop, and I had fallen off of Bill and them, so I turned around at a mile because I saw all of them coming from the other path, the one I decided was the wrong one. Hmm at now I think it's a loop... am I right or did I just take the wrong path? It was my first time running this trail without snow, and I've got to say it's a lot prettier. :) PM: I was going to go until I hit 45 for the week, but then my parents told me that I had to be back 40 minutes earlier than I originally thought so I could babysit while they go somewhere fun with my neighbors....I think it was a play of some sort. Parents. Anyway, I got to 2.75 with 5 minutes left before I needed to be back, so I just stopped so that I would be at 40 for the week. Just kidding, I did my math wrong, so I'm at 40.5 for the week. Great. I hate when that happens.