Happy with my race today. Was 3rd place to Brett Hales and Sam Starbuck. The course seemed long. I got 13.29 and a few others got about the same. I know GPS watched are not not 100% accurate. However, as a pilot I trust my life to precision GPS approaches. I need a new GPS watch. I have an old brick Garmin 305. Any segestions? I am thinking Garmin 620 or 220. I wore a Forrest Gump costume. I even kept it on the costume (beard, mustache, hair & hat) on the whole time. I will post a picture and more info later.
This was a big PR for me. I have not run that many 1/2 marathons.
I started off in 2nd place behind Brett for about .25miles then 2 guys started picking it up. I stuck it behind them and they steeded up a little and I didn't thing it was a good idea to go with them. The forst girl was a few steps behind me and we stayed like this for a about 3 miles and I thought that i was in a good position to get 4th. I started droping the girl and the number 2 and 3 guys started to seperate. about mile 5 I was ganing on number 3 and 2 was about 45 sec ahead. miles 6 or 7 I caught the one guy and he was hurting. I felt pretty good through mile 9 or 10 and I got into the rolling hills where I started to fulter. 2nd place was maybe just over a min ahead and I thought that i secured 3rd place. At mile 11 I just was thinking to atleast hold marathon pace and I might break 1:16. I have a hard time pushing at this point in races when nobody is around. At 12.5 I hit hill at sugarhouse park on the South side and I slowed down here then I tried to push it in to the finsh. I was happy and a little bit dissapointed that at my time. My goal was sub 1:17 and I got that. I just wish that I would have had someone tailing me through the last few miles to push me.
I felt really good after and felt like I could have given a little more if needed.
Spints: 5:39, 5:35, 5:37, 5:36, 5:41, 5:39, 5:37, 5:36, 5:37, 5:51, 5:54, 6:01, 6:15, and 1:44 for .29
