3 at 6:55, but -3% decline. One hour barbell strength. How to have Fun at Disney, courtesy of my wife, Melinda. Some adventures:
* that Granddad forgot his meds (all 19 of them) which I had painstakingly sorted and packed the night before -- luckily we were staying the night in geriatric-ville and the 24-hour Walgreens refilled them (our dear friend who also came with actually took Granddad instead of me) for him thereby saving me the trouble of having my wife bail me out of jail * that Granddad fell while trying to cut across the metal chains used to manage the lines in front of the ticket booth -- "I had no trouble getting my first leg over . . . I just completely forgot about that back leg" ~WE HAD NOT EVEN BEEN IN THE PARK YET~ * that Granddad was so out of it on Day 2 that we thought we were going to end up at the hospital, but then we discovered he had taken his nighttime pills that morning (including two sleeping pills) by mistake
(Please notice that the Diet Dew was necessary to truly make it the happiest place on earth.)