Running with Doone was one of the highlights of my trip. It is just great to be out with your sweetie on a cool summer morning and running and talking. She is training for a 1/2 over Labor Day and had an 8 miler planned. I let her set the pace. It was nice and easy averaging around 9:30 minutes, so it was perfect for me not to push the foot. I figured I'd run as long as I could and then stop and let her go on. We really had a good time running a chatting around the turnaround point I started feeling a slight discomfort in my foot soon it started to increase, so I stopped and told her to go on. As I walked the pain increased to a pretty intense level. How wondered how in the world I ever ran a full marathon on that thing. She finally came back in the car and rescued me. For the next few days my pain level was very high, a few time almost bringing me to my knees when I stepped wrong. I am going to call the doc today and get it looked at again. I figure he'll just tell me to wear my boot and rest it longer, but I better let him look at it. It doesn't look like I'll be doing TOU. What a disappointment. |