I ran out to Harry's Hill this morning, its been a while since I have ran up that beast and it didn't help that I had a head wind the whole way up!!! The plan was to take it easy on the way out and then take it easy up and then back down the same way, I was surprised to see that my quads really didn't burn at all but I didn't have a lot of zip in them mainly from the harder workout from yesterday but it seems all the walking and strength training has been paying off. My pace was slow but steady at 9:08 and my average HR was 137 going up the hill it was above 150 so I clearly had way more in the tank if I wanted to push it but I'm trying to build strength so I kept things easy. Total time was 1:00:34. I feel pretty good about the effort, my calf was a little bit of a bother but not anymore than it has been and it seemed to get better as the run went on, so that is good news. See ya tomorrow