I left work early today and headed out to Mini GU corner and I tried to keep the pace nice and easy, but my mile 3 was a little fast for a recovery run ( 8:06) slowed her down after that and kept more around 8:30 mile. After that I went with my son Ethan for about a half of a mile with him and Zac and then I let them go and headed back to the house to add another mile, but that mile ended up being 7:53 way to fast but I felt good so I'll just live with it. I decided to put a watch on Ethan today just to see where he's at and see what pace he is averaging... They averaged a 6:40 pace for 3.38 miles, pretty dang good! I asked him if he was working hard and he said it felt pretty comfortable, I wish I could do that.... On mile 2 the garmin said they did a 5:06 mile but I think that is a little off, but all the rest were right on so I don't know. I'll time him again tomorrow and see what it says and so if that is true or not. My average pace was 8:16 with my HR average at 150 and my total time was 58:56, after the run I did my lower body workout and called it a day. See ya tomorrow.