I was out the door at 5:30 am and headed slowly out towards mini Gu and Gu corner and then down into the river bottoms, I ran my 2 mile loop down in there and then started to make way back to GU corner... After 5 miles I started my 2 mile loop in the river bottoms and I forgot to start my watch so I was all screwed up and then the darn thing says I was running an 11 minute mile and I know it was a sub 8:30 so after 9 miles I reset the darn thing and started over with it! Very Frustrating!!! By this point I had hooked up with my brother Curtis and we headed up over Harry's Hill and then up to the mailboxes and then down past Mt loafer school and then back to the house. I got a quick drink and ran two more miles out past the stake center and then back to the house to get the 20 plus miles for the day. My first 9 miles were at a slow 9:08 average with a total time of 1:22:20 and then after the re-set I averaged an 8:27 mile pace with 4.34 at MP, most of that downhill and some flat, for a total of 11.34 miles for the second session. My watch was ticking me off! Oh well I felt pretty good for the most part and I was surprised that I was able to do Harry's Hill and the Mt loafer route twice in one week and then still have enough strength to finish and finish strong, but it all worked out. Thanks Brother Curtis for having faith in me when I didn't. See Ya Monday.