I ran my flat course this morning. I ran it because its flat, hence the name flat course. I first run out towards Payson and then just as I get to the 300 meter hill and then turn and head towards my house, that would be the first leg. I then head out towards Harry's Hill but when I get to the T in the road I turn towards mini GU corner for about a .10 and then I head back for home, that is the second leg. Anyway, it all adds up to 8.34 miles and its all flat... I kept my pace at an easy tempo pace but not really a tempo pace (8:40) and heart rate was in no-mans land at 144. I would rather have it above 150 and below 140, that's something I need to work on and get it down. Well, that's about it, pretty boring I know but hey its Wednesday what can you expect.
See ya tomorrow.
Asic Nimbus 9 (256) |