I'm not crazy...I'm just bored!!

Week starting Nov 15, 2009

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2009



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

St George Marathon: 3:23:54 (10/6/12)

Half IM: 5:44:03 (8/25/12 - course was long!)

25K trail - Buffalo Run (16.5) 2:34:50

Half Marathon: American Fork - 1:30:44  6/23/12

Spectrum 10K 43:42   3/17/2012

Best 5K: Spanish Fork 21:55 05/30/09

Short-Term Running Goals:

Okay, so for 2013 I am going to have FUN! Not that running isn't always fun, but I had a wonderful breakthrough year last year and I want to play this year :) AND get faster! So, my first goal I'm going to put out there is my yearly mileage goal.
It is 2,186 miles from my driveway to my sister (QP's) driveway! I want to spend this year on a virtual trek cross country running those miles. So, that is how far I will run in 2013...from my house to QPs. It will take all year and yes, this is measured on Hwys so it isn't really exactly how I COULD run it, but good enough. 43 miles/week...totally doable, and a fun goal to track how far I've traveled as I go along. Who knows...maybe I'll even run PAST her house :)

I will do more trail runs, Boston, Pacing duties, another Half IM and some other tris. I'm excited for this next year and look forward to having fun with all of you out on the roads, and trails! Maybe bag a few peaks this year too!!

Long-Term Running Goals:

Big Dreams: 5K in 20:2X; 10K in 39:XX; Half in 1:29:XX; Full in 3:15:XX; complete the Rim2Rim2Rim run and not die; Comrades; Iron(wo)Man.

Run for the rest of my life!


4 children: twelve, eight, five and baby Fartlek - 2 1/2. Wonderful supportive husband that lets me drag him and the family all over for race after race!

Finished 13 marathons and LOVE running that distance! I'm definitely hooked to the marathon monster and hope to constantly improve my endurance, speed and stay injury free!

I've also found a love of trail running! I hope to keep improving on this front.

After being injured with a broken foot at the first of 2012 I found a tri group and started training with them and am now loving tris! The half IM was harder than I'd ever imagined...and am ready to do it again. I'll earn my bike butt and someday have enough time to train for a full IM.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
BIKE MILES Lifetime Miles: 1168.40
LUCY MILES Lifetime Miles: 25.25
Adidas Lifetime Miles: 319.66
Orange II Lifetime Miles: 390.41
Boston Mizuno Lifetime Miles: 568.97
Fargo Nikes Lifetime Miles: 500.03
BEANS Lifetime Miles: 755.00
Orange Bostons Lifetime Miles: 527.59
Solomon Trail Lifetime Miles: 363.98
PI Tri Shoes Lifetime Miles: 4.00
Boston Mizuno 10s Lifetime Miles: 140.75
New Orange Lifetime Miles: 157.05
Total Distance
Mizuno Inspire II Miles: 4.00Mizuno Miles: 7.00
Night Sleep Time: 39.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 39.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Good restful weekend, and I was able to tolerate eating before exercising today which always helps! Went to the gym for step class and then ran 4 on the TM VERY slow afterward (like a 9:45 pace). Great company to keep my mind off the miles, so I got through them - one problem with running slower is that the miles really do go by slower!!

Resting and eating well today...then volleyball tonight!! :)

Mizuno Inspire II Miles: 4.00
Night Sleep Time: 9.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 9.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Got up early to run with the BBK's because I knew that they were doing 5K's and that if I whimped out after just 3miles I could go home. I made it the full 6, despite my ITB causing some wonderfully exciting pain around mile 3.5 or so :) Gotta love that STUIPID, ROTTEN, GOOD FOR NOTHING, CRAZY, STINKING thing! I've got a call into the doc, we'll see.

AP: 9:11 (152) splits: 9:24 (144), 9:18 (153), 8:51 (151), 9:23 (153), 9:00 (155), 9:11 (154) *HR comment today is that I guess I don't understand why I seem to be working harder (HR wise) for the same pace I was carrying a 140 at just a couple weeks ago. Poor body must be done!*

Went to the gym for my final training session. I want to keep doing resistance, I just can't take his punishment right now.  Afterward I tried a new class: Body flow. Interesting, tai-chi, yoga, pilates, and stretching all in one class. Honestly it wasn't too bad, but when putting your head below your stomach makes you want to hurl right there on the floor and standing up at a 'normal' pace makes you get light headed...it may not be the best class for you right now!

Mizuno Miles: 6.00
Night Sleep Time: 6.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 6.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Boot camp and TM....just not feeling it today. Mostly walked on the TM afterward, high incline and slower pace. Did a short .4 to get to at least 1 with the .6 I ran in boot camp.

This is long, but I wanted to put it out there for my blogging friends that aren't on FB...so read on if you'd like to come hang out Friday :)

Friday may just be another day for some of you, but for me it a day full of sorrow, heartache, joy and memories. Three years ago Friday, my father passed away from Non-hodgkins lymphoma. After a three year battle, he finally was overcome with the disease and given a terminal diagnosis and two months left. We were graciously blessed to be able to spend the next three and a half months with him! We got our last Halloween and almost Thanksgiving...things we had only wished for a couple months earlier. Thankfully, his last few days of suffering were few and he was able to leave quickly.
When my father first told our family that he was done fighting and could eat all the ice cream and candy he wanted (being diabetic these were few and far between, well they were supposed to be) we were all crying and upset. He did live in a house full of women after all (3 girls and my mom)! He told us "you know, it's okay to cry, but when you're done crying you need to get up, brush yourself off and move forward." Some days are easier than others, but they are ALL moving forward...sometimes too fast! A few weeks after his announcement I found out I was expecting our third child, Nathan. Knowing that this baby would never know his kind, loving, generous, fun, sweet, amazing grandfather weighed heavily on my heart. However, knowing that they could be his angel for a few months was always reassuring, so Nathan is grandpa's little angel. Looking back, I can hardly believe three years has already gone by SO quickly! Here we are doing the same things, loving the same treats, sharing the same memories, and I'm STILL pregnant! Okay, well maybe it's with another child, but still....kind of made me laugh when I thought about it last week.
My father was an amazing man and had an incredible life journey. One of my favorite memories of him was when I was a teenager and being difficult every morning as he would leave for work he would tell me "Rachel, I love you and I'm proud of you!" I knew he had nothing to be proud of, but had to love me regardless. Somehow, though, this made me want to make him proud. No amount of yelling or lecturing would've made that kind of difference in my life, but him being him...THAT made the difference. He was raised by a single mother after his father passed away when he was only 18 months old. I asked him once if anyone ever stepped into that role for him...he quickly replied with a resounding "NO". He, however, would always help the single mothers in the neighborhood and would always help them out with their children. He also never forced you to do anything, when Lauren was born and we would go visit and I'd want to show off her latest trick she would inevitably NOT do it. So, I'd try to get her to do it "She's not in the circus" he'd say, I'll see it later...when she's ready. One of my last memories of him is when my sisters, their families and me and my family were all together for the last time. We SO desperately wanted pictures of him and us, him and my mom, him and all the grandchildren and on and on and on; however, again, kids will be kids. They didn't all want to stand around for forever posing for pictures. My sister captured on video tape my dad saying "oh, don't force them to do it. You can't force anybody to do anything." What wise counsel. Loving guidance and example can do SO much more. He didn't live a perfect life, actually far from it. Ask anyone who knew him between the ages of 10 and 45 and they'll be able to tell you some GOOD stories of bad examples :) In 1990 he made the commitment and decision to be sealed to his family in the temple, since then he never looked back. He simply grew from the journey and tried his best to fulfill every part of that commitment he made.
In honor of my father his life and his memory, I have decided to host an annual party at my home. At time to remember what life is REALLY about! Making and sharing memories, living life to it's fullest and remembering what it's like to be ALIVE. It all goes so fast and is often gone too quickly. Lets take a day out of our crazy lives to LIVE! Come join the fun from 10-4 (open house...anytime), eat (my fathers FAVORITE thing!), visit and have a good time! No...no twilight party not at all (not that I won't let you talk about it, just no theme!). Feel free to bring your favorite food to share so we all can enjoy, or just come enjoy everyone else's food. I would love to see everyone and anyone...come one come all, come and remember to live, it's really all we've got!!

Mizuno Miles: 1.00
Night Sleep Time: 9.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 9.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

cortizone shot in the ITB yesterday...so nothing today. I would go to the gym and do yoga, but my knee is in terrible pain from it! Plus I was in a ton of pain last night (not just ITB) and couldn't really sleep...I'm tired and blechy and in pain. So, nothing today. Well, except cleaning my house for Friday. My husband would make me cancel the party if I even attempted to let anyone in my house while it looked like this!!! I've neglected the thing for quite some time now.

Remember, anyone and everyone is invited tomorrow (see yesterdays post)!

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Benched...at least until December 1st! So, nothing 'pounding' is allowed - trying to remember there are more important things going on in my body than needing to run....trying, trying, trying!!

Night Sleep Time: 7.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance
Mizuno Inspire II Miles: 4.00Mizuno Miles: 7.00
Night Sleep Time: 39.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 39.00Weight: 0.00
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