Woke up to the pitter patter of rain on the windows (well, okay I couldn't tell if it was raining, I actually had to go downstairs and stick my hand out the back door, but it was - a little bit), so I pulled a pansy and went back to bed and skipped BBK's this morning :) Hit the TM for some good miles! The first two I didn't realize until the very end were at 2.5% incline!! I usually (lately) have kept it at .5-1%. I thought I was going to die, and that I'd never finish 6 today - until I noticed that, then I felt pretty tough :) 2.1 TM miles @ 9:40 (with the incline higher than MY normal). Weights: all upper body (most on the bosu ball), squats, push-ups and obliques. 2.2 TM miles 9:30, 9:10, last .2 @ 8:40ish Weights: same stuff 2.2 TM miles 9:22, 8:57, last .2 @ 8:10ish Weights: same stuff, last set. I was bound and determined to do under a 9mm that last set. It was nice to actually achieve it and not feel like I was going to die :) I felt my best during mile 4. Running is still my favorite part of the day!