I knew yesterday after class that this was going to be a slow run, but I was determined to make the best of it and get 'er done! Tackled the hills with effort, not speed :) However, I made an effort to try and keep a good clop on the downhills. If you would've heard my breathing on the uphill you probably would've thought I was having a heart attack! Between the hilly course and the gale force canyon wind on the uphills I definitely got a good workout despite the slower paces on the uphill. AP: 9:10 splits: 10:17, 10:05, 10:12 (I honestly thought some of these may reach the 11's! So, I was pleased with this), 8:34 (a good uphill here, but I was feeling better after a nice downhill break), 8:07, 8:19, 7:18 (last .35) - gotta love that effortless downhill after nasty uphills!! 900 ft of elevation gain overall...
The senses this morning almost got as good of a workout as the legs. Petrichor, a light sprinkle of rain, amazing sunrise that just kept changing and from the high vantage point I reached got an amazing view of the entire valley. I also got to see numerous (probably 20+) deer, lots of babies, and some rabbits as well.
Now I get to be in full rest/recovery mode until Saturday's 22. Now yoga...aaahhh! My favorite part of the week!!!