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Spanish Fork Half-Marathon

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2009



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

St George Marathon: 3:23:54 (10/6/12)

Half IM: 5:44:03 (8/25/12 - course was long!)

25K trail - Buffalo Run (16.5) 2:34:50

Half Marathon: American Fork - 1:30:44  6/23/12

Spectrum 10K 43:42   3/17/2012

Best 5K: Spanish Fork 21:55 05/30/09

Short-Term Running Goals:

Okay, so for 2013 I am going to have FUN! Not that running isn't always fun, but I had a wonderful breakthrough year last year and I want to play this year :) AND get faster! So, my first goal I'm going to put out there is my yearly mileage goal.
It is 2,186 miles from my driveway to my sister (QP's) driveway! I want to spend this year on a virtual trek cross country running those miles. So, that is how far I will run in 2013...from my house to QPs. It will take all year and yes, this is measured on Hwys so it isn't really exactly how I COULD run it, but good enough. 43 miles/week...totally doable, and a fun goal to track how far I've traveled as I go along. Who knows...maybe I'll even run PAST her house :)

I will do more trail runs, Boston, Pacing duties, another Half IM and some other tris. I'm excited for this next year and look forward to having fun with all of you out on the roads, and trails! Maybe bag a few peaks this year too!!

Long-Term Running Goals:

Big Dreams: 5K in 20:2X; 10K in 39:XX; Half in 1:29:XX; Full in 3:15:XX; complete the Rim2Rim2Rim run and not die; Comrades; Iron(wo)Man.

Run for the rest of my life!


4 children: twelve, eight, five and baby Fartlek - 2 1/2. Wonderful supportive husband that lets me drag him and the family all over for race after race!

Finished 13 marathons and LOVE running that distance! I'm definitely hooked to the marathon monster and hope to constantly improve my endurance, speed and stay injury free!

I've also found a love of trail running! I hope to keep improving on this front.

After being injured with a broken foot at the first of 2012 I found a tri group and started training with them and am now loving tris! The half IM was harder than I'd ever imagined...and am ready to do it again. I'll earn my bike butt and someday have enough time to train for a full IM.

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Miles:This week: 32.54 Month: 193.55 Year: 399.89
BIKE MILES Lifetime Miles: 1172.40
Purple Mizunos Lifetime Miles: 154.30
Race: Spanish Fork Half-Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:42:01, Place overall: 10, Place in age division: 3
Total Distance

Well, I had decided to run this race as a good tempo to lock in my MP. When I figured out that an 8:00mm translated to a 1:45 I was a little nervous. That is kind of fast for me at a half. My best half is 1:40:54, so a 1:45 isn't all that easy! At SGM half in January I was racing all out and hit a 1:42:41 and thought I might die at the finish...1:45 wasn't going to come easy. I was scared. Plus, I think taper madness is starting, because I keep feeling all these little aches and pains that worry me. Grrr, confidence waning...

Got to the race in time to get my bib and do a short 1 mile warm-up to loosen it all up so I could hit the paces right off. I finished just shy of a mile, but had to hit the pop before start time! I had maybe 3 minutes afterward to line up and get ready to go. I wished Merri good luck and we were off. I really wanted someone who was doing 8mm to pace me so I didn't have to look at my watch, HATE looking at my watch. 

Just after we started my watch lapped. What the heck?!? Crap! I forgot to reset it after the warm-up. Dang. So, all my splits are 1/5-1/4 of a mile off. Oh well, I wasn't tracking overall time, I wanted the AP for splits. My first came it at 7:54, still scared. That was too hard for just under! Next: 8:07, crap...it's all over. No! Stay strong, pick it up! By mile 3 my caffeine from the beginning of the race had kicked in and confidence returned. There was a nice little hill around mile 4 and I thought "this really is my little SGM! I just hit Veyo." :) Mile 4 split was 7:39 - oops! Feeling too good and a little downhill, but I'll bank it!

On the first out and back it was fun to see all the rock-stars (Merri) leading the race! Awesome!! On the way out I saw Lowell, Terry, Karen and Toby. All looking strong and running well. Lowell tried to get me to turn and run with them, but I denied him and kept running my tempo - sorry Lowell.

Got to go back down that 'veyo' hill in mile 7, then headed out on the River trail. I took a gu at the aid station just before 8, and I thought "man, I am struggling! It seems so much harder to keep pace." Just like in Riverton I struggled 8-10. However, we had a nice headwind and I didn't realize how uphill it was until the turn around and I felt like I was effortlessly flying down! Nice! Passed the leaders on the way in and the gang on the way out. I like the multiple out and backs on this course. Tried to encourage all I crossed!

I don't remember splits after that 7:39 except that somewhere (9 maybe?) I hit a 7:40 as well and felt good! After 10 I decided to push a little and see what I could get on the flat/downhill to the finish. There was a group of guys I caught up to around mile 11ish and one guy didn't want to let me go! (oh, that HR "I can only run a 3:45" guy from Payson? Passed him at mile 10.5 and he said "well, you got me again!" I didn't even recognize him. Glad I could show him who was boss once more!). So, this guy, Regan I think, just matched me stride for stride. We are about the same height and after a while I said "just pull me to the finish" He responded "that's what you are supposed to do." We matched stride and pace elbow to elbow all the way to the finish! Even helped one another with a strong push to the finish line. It was SO nice!! Great to not have a female that you are 'competing' with and just be able to help each other!

I was surprised to see the clock still in the 1:41's when it came into view. I couldn't believe I'd overshot my goal by so much and still felt good. I might just be able to do this after all! If I can maintain these paces (I'd have called this comfortably hard) on the flat/uphills of SF half, I can probably pull 8:00's at SGM. I'm gonna get that 3:35 if it kills me!! I want those darn BQ initials after my name before I turn 35 and can run slower! :)

I ran back on the course to get Lowell and he was far enough back I had to go down and up that little hill at the end again -blech! Then he was pushing the pace the last mile - slow down! yeah, he got treated to some good RAD whining :) Karen and Terry were right behind him and I didn't see Toby, so I went back to get her. I was ALMOST to the hill when I saw her. I was SO grateful I didn't have to do that one again. She was finishing up a 20 miler with this race and was still looking strong. I forced her to pass a few women at the end and she had her familiar Toby finishing speed pulled out of her :)

I checked the results and noticed I'd gotten 3rd in my AG! I was so excited! I guess all the speedy people stayed home to do their 20+ for SGM :) Either way, I'll take it. So, I offered to run with Toby and Karen their last 3 to finish off the 20 if they'd wait for me to get my medal. It was nice to get a little bling since they don't do finishers medals.

I did a nice easy few more miles with Karen and Toby and enjoyed every minute of it! Finished off 19 for the day, and didn't even realize I was that high until Karen added up my miles for me :) Nice to get some longer miles in and some good pace miles too. I'm ready for SGM! Just gotta hang on to the start line now.

Toby was nice enough to let me use her shower so I could attend Becca's bridal shower showered :) Didn't want to go home and back, I don't think I would've made it if I had. So, thanks Toby for a wonderful morning and refreshing shower :) I feel good (except for the tummy, I'm having issues...I think it's from the Advil I took last night to try and help my PF feel better during the race) and no soreness - so far!

Taper here I come!

warm-up: 9:27 (with fast start of the race)

AP for race: 7:47 splits (remember, they are off due to user error): 7:54, 8:07, 7:57, 7:39, 7:55, 7:47, 7:54, 7:49, 7:50, 7:40, 7:40, 7:42, 7:31 (last .88 I recorded, my last minute was all under a 7mm).

Cool-down AP: 10:00 splits: 9:45, 9:20, 10:23, 10:41, 10:01, 9:21 (just .05 to round out my miles to even).

Cookie, Cookie Miles: 19.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
From Bonnie on Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 19:39:39 from

Yea! Great job RAD!! congratulations!

From RAD on Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 19:53:09 from

Thanks Bonnie, it was a good effort for me, but pleasant enough to not feel wasted afterward. Perfect! :)

From Toby on Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 21:29:12 from

YOU so deserve a great race and BLING! Thank you SO SO SO much for pulling me the last little bit. I was so tired and really appreciated your encouragement. Here's to a speedy SGM! We need to do dinner the night before!

From Merri on Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 23:14:10 from

Nice job today Rachel! Wish I could have stayed and chatted with you more today, but I had to leave right after the awards for a baptism. :) You did awesome today! Way to beat your goal!

From Calvin on Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 00:26:42 from

Great race Rachel! Nice job getting tempo miles and a long run in the books.

From Chad on Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 00:43:02 from

You are looking real strong. Nice job.

From DaleG on Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 01:29:51 from

You are SO ready for SGM!!! I'm impressed with you fast you've become the past couple of years. Congratulations on placing 3rd in your AG. That's too cool. All that and you still finished with 19 for the day. Awesome!!!!

From Nancy on Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 08:46:57 from

Way to go Rachel. I knew you could do it.

From Teena Marie on Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 11:39:12 from

WOW!!!! Uber-impressive!!! :) :) :)

Seriously, a HUGE congrats!!! That is just plain AWESOME!!! :) :) :)

From Rachelle on Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 11:41:54 from

Congrats Rachel!!! You so so so have 3:30. That was my time at UVM and your fitness is nearly exactly where mine was going into that race. I am so excited for you. :):)

If I were you I would highly recommend running with the 3:30 pace group at SGM. That is what I did at UVM and it was perfect. I am planning to run with the 3:20 group at SGM. It is seriously so awesome have the support.

From Julie on Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 13:29:36 from

Nice job Rachel! Two great races in one week. You are running so well. My new goal for St. George is to try and keep up with you.

From NiceVector on Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 01:18:45 from

Hey, thanks for the most excellent pacing for the last mile and a half. I figure my finishing time was easily a minute or more faster from just trying to hang with you. Good luck at St. George.

From glidergirl on Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 18:25:00 from

Wow, two races in one week! That's amazing. You are doing so awesome and your times are outstanding! Jealous! :) That's cool that you got to do the pre-wedding run this morning. I wish I would have gone for a run on my wedding morning, what a great idea!

From Smooth on Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 16:13:04 from

WOW!!! Holy cow!!! CONGRATZ on the PR and AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME tempo run/race! You are seriously on top of the world, running two PR races in 5 days! If this isn't a confident builder, I don't know what is! Spanish Fork is an honest course so you are right on for your BQ or better at SGM!!!

WAY to smash your goal on a peak week and get your mileage in; plus fun fun fun with the ladies! I sure missed you guys and was so happy to hear you ran so awesomely! :)

From RAD on Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 00:13:23 from

I can't believe I never replied to y'all on this post!!!

Toby, I'm glad you were there to make it a fun day for me! I'm in for a pre-race dinner!!!

Merri, I figured you had to jet, but it was fun just to see you and chat at the amazing winner! :)

Cal, last one! hallelujah!

Chad, just hanging in there and hoping for the best!

Dale, thanks. I keep wondering if I can continue the speed or if I'm going to top out. I just think "there is NO way I could ever run faster!"

Nancy, thanks!

Teena, I'm just trying to keep up with your speediness! :)

Rachelle, Honestly, I hate pace groups. I'm SO much better by myself. They give me anxiety! I feel like I'm either chasing them or running scared the whole time and I can't just relax and get in my groove.

Julie, oh you will be so far in front of me! Have you not seen who is in the back of EVERY run at BBK's? hint: not you! :)

Vector, I'm SO impressed that the guy that helped me is on the blog! I love the blog!!! I think we need to make a plan for SGM.

Brooke, I just wish I would've been moving sometime the month I got married! Probably would've helped my emotional situation :)

Smooth, Both races this week weren't PR's - per say. At Payson it was a course PR, but my best 10K is still about a min faster and SF half was the fastest I've run a half this year, but about 80 seconds off a PR. So, they were excellent races, but still not a straight out PR for me. However, that said they do both say to me that I am ready to hit it at SGM! They are both honest courses and my PR courses are downnhill (DesNews 10K and SLC half). I darn well better get that BQ or you probably better just not talk to me after SGM - I'll be too ornery or too busy crying! :) Looking forward to our traditional PRT run next SAturday!!!

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