| Location: Herriman,UT,USA Member Since: Jan 01, 2009 Gender: Female Goal Type: Age Division Winner Running Accomplishments: St George Marathon: 3:23:54 (10/6/12)
Half IM: 5:44:03 (8/25/12 - course was long!)
25K trail - Buffalo Run (16.5) 2:34:50
Half Marathon: American Fork - 1:30:44 6/23/12
Spectrum 10K 43:42 3/17/2012
Best 5K: Spanish Fork 21:55 05/30/09 Short-Term Running Goals: Okay, so for 2013 I am going to have FUN! Not that running isn't always fun, but I had a wonderful breakthrough year last year and I want to play this year :) AND get faster! So, my first goal I'm going to put out there is my yearly mileage goal.
It is 2,186 miles from my driveway to my sister (QP's) driveway! I want to spend this year on a virtual trek cross country running those miles. So, that is how far I will run in 2013...from my house to QPs. It will take all year and yes, this is measured on Hwys so it isn't really exactly how I COULD run it, but good enough. 43 miles/week...totally doable, and a fun goal to track how far I've traveled as I go along. Who knows...maybe I'll even run PAST her house :)
I will do more trail runs, Boston, Pacing duties, another Half IM and some other tris. I'm excited for this next year and look forward to having fun with all of you out on the roads, and trails! Maybe bag a few peaks this year too!! Long-Term Running Goals: 
Big Dreams: 5K in 20:2X; 10K in 39:XX; Half in 1:29:XX; Full in 3:15:XX; complete the Rim2Rim2Rim run and not die; Comrades; Iron(wo)Man.
Run for the rest of my life! Personal: 4 children: twelve, eight, five and baby Fartlek - 2 1/2. Wonderful supportive husband that lets me drag him and the family all over for race after race!
Finished 13 marathons and LOVE running that distance! I'm definitely hooked to the marathon monster and hope to constantly improve my endurance, speed and stay injury free!
I've also found a love of trail running! I hope to keep improving on this front.
After being injured with a broken foot at the first of 2012 I found a tri group and started training with them and am now loving tris! The half IM was harder than I'd ever imagined...and am ready to do it again. I'll earn my bike butt and someday have enough time to train for a full IM. Favorite Blogs: |
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Miles: | This week: | 32.54 |
Month: | 193.55 |
Year: | 399.89 | BIKE MILES Lifetime Miles: | 1172.40 | Purple Mizunos Lifetime Miles: | 154.30 |
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Cookie, Cookie Miles: 36.20 | Inspire Yellow Racers Miles: 4.00 | Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 17.80 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 | |
| Race: |
Payson Onion Days 10K (6.2 Miles) 00:45:13, Place overall: 8, Place in age division: 5 | |
Okay, so maybe I'm being too hard on myself, but I'm not as happy with this as I should be. This is a course PR for me by nearly 1 min (46:03 in 2009), but I just don't feel so good about it. Woke up the family early to get down there -stupid construction all through Utah county made it slow going. Anyway, uneventful race prep. It was nice to see Lily, Merri, Susie, Rachelle and Julie C. We were off quickly! I always start fast, can't help it. I was nearly staying on Julie and Lily's toes for the first tenth of a mile, fell into pace shortly after that. I was pleased to hear my first mile split called out at 6:50. Usually I would let this play mind games on me, but this time I didn't. I simply thought "great! you banked 30 seconds." My goal was to come in under my 09 time, so an AP of 7:25 would've done that. My garmin splits were always off about .05 of a mile, so they were about 10 seconds or more past what the timers were calling out. I hit the half at 21:12 and tried to do some math to see where I could hit, but I just can't figure out that .2 on the end! I figured I might be able to pull a 44:something which would put me almost a PR. All righty, lets go for it! From there out, that was my new goal. Mile 4 was the hardest, as always, but it always seems to be the slowest for everyone, so I can't complain. Just before hitting mile 5 I thought "Rachel, are you going to feel like you could've pushed harder when the race is done?" I laughed and thought - yeah, I always do. But I then tried to push just a little more so I would have less regret and know that I did do all I could out there. Yes, I still think I could've gone faster. By mile 5 I'd passed a few guys and 2 teenage girls. One lady (35-39 AG) passed me, but I stayed on her heels the whole time. She only finished 13 seconds in front of me. Well, there was one more guy in my sights to pass. I surged to get just ahead. Within a quarter mile he'd returned the favor. Well, on the first major turn off the road I made a good tangent and passed him again. Which is great for me. I usually slow considerably that mile 5-6, uphill, finishing...excuses, excuses. I kept pushing and pushing all the way up to the finish. Hit mile 6 on my Garmin at 43:33 - could I pull off a 44?!? yeah, a .2 isn't that far? Maybe a minute? (see, I don't know under mile splits!!). Turned the corner to the finish chute and I could see the 44 ticking away on the clock. Dang. I surged and pushed out the last bit to the finish. I think the guy I passed and that came in just behind me (had me running scared that last little bit). Thought I was going to die, because my breathing was out of control still and he asked what my HR was there at the finish. I had no idea, don't talk to me. I'm trying to recover and I can't breathe. I then had to wait for my card at the end and couldn't walk around. Blech. Saw my sweet Lauren and asked if dad and the boys had finished. Nope. So I went to walk back on the course to come in with them, but they were right on the corner. My 7 yr old was holding one of his shoes and running into the finish, with my 4 yr old right behind him. Dad and the stroller brought up the end of the family. Stayed around for prizes, which we won NONE of (5 entries and nothing!), but Nathan (my 4 yr old) did get to go up and get an awesome blanket (that only overall winners got) for being the youngest runner. YAY! He did run the majority of the race (except a little ride the 2 times he fell), so he deserved it. The hardest thing about this for me is first of all, I was really feeling good about hitting a 44, but I think lost it in mile 4, but didn't realize it since I was still catching people and pushing hard. Then, I HATE my Age Group. I'm just not fast enough. 8th overall, but 5th in my AG. Those ladies are just speedy and put me to shame -shame I say! I hated watching everyone I'd pushed to catch and stay with and pass go up and get awards and I got nothin' for my efforts. Kind of mentally defeating...no, really mentally defeating. Then the HR idiot that I passed just barely was talking with Lily and Rachelle while I was also visiting with them and Rachelle was giving me the confidence boost that a solid 45 min on this course would easily translate to a sub 3:30 at SGM. "No, the best I've done was a 3:43" The idiot guy says. Uggghhh. Way to ruin any confidence I just instilled in myself. Last year was over 90 seconds slower on this course and I ran a 3:45, so I should be able to do better than that, right? At least my 3:35? Maybe? Ugghh. Like I said, just defeating. This was supposed to be my confidence boost and I just came out of it depressed. Stupid race. My family, however, did a great job! Lauren finished in 34:23 and was the first 10 year old to come in, her AG was 10-13 and everyone in front of her was 12 or 13. The boys and dad finished in 44:30ish and there were only 2 kids younger than them that beat them (1-9 was the AG). Dad didn't come in last in his AG, that was his big worry :) Went and got to see the lovely Marion and stay for the parade afterward. A wonderful morning, which lead to a great nap in the afternoon! Happy Labor Day!! Garmin info AP: 7:16 splits: 6:59, 7:07, 7:17, 7:12, 7:39, 7:26, 6:59 (last .21 recorded)
Cookie, Cookie Miles: 6.20 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
| Comments(21) |
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Blech. BBK's know how to do it right. I may hate it, but they do it right! Met at Butterfield Canyon, just 3 miles from my driveway to the gate. I loved having it close!!! Of course the only way to go is up, so for warm up we did 1.25 miles up and back, I added on enough to get 2.75. Then we started the fun. They pushed tempo miles up 3 miles then back down, but my legs are dragging from yesterday - add hills to that, um, yeah.... I was there and working, what more do you want? :) I turned around at 6.0, so 3.25 miles up the canyon and boy was it slow. The way down I was able to EASILY hit a few MP miles. Felt good, beautiful scenery and good chatting. Then did another up and down to finish up to 11.8 (had to even out from yesterday's 6.2). I was grateful for Becca hanging back with me as I struggled through the uphill. I didn't want to get eaten by a mtn lion, and I knew that would happen if I was left alone! I personally know someone who ran up and down the canyon nearly every morning until one day came face to face with a mtn lion. Also, from my neighbors that live near me and closer to the canyon, I've heard and seen pictures of their horses being attacked by mtn lions. So, yeah...thanks for saving my life Becca!!! Went to the gym and did lift class - good weights class. It's been a long while since I've done so many lunges and triceps! Spent 15 min stretching afterward. I hope I start feeling the benefits in my heel soon. Yesterday's race really put the hurt on, it is already better today than yesterday afternoon, so I'm hopeful it was just temporary. AP: 9:35 splits: 10:43, 8:50, 9:31, 10:33, 10:39, 11:15, 8:15, 8:01, 8:03, 9:56, 10:12, 8:46 (last .8). Can you tell the downhill from the uphill? :) Elevation gain of 2100 feet throughout the run. The 3 climbing miles (4-6) had 344, 467, 383 ft gain respectively. This is the tarantula we saw while stretching near my car!

Inspire Yellow Racers Miles: 4.00 | Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 11.80 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
| Comments(15) |
| | MEXICAN MOUNTAIN GOAT!! ...bring it on baby! I had a fight with myself this morning and decided that no one would criticize me for recognizing that I needed more sleep, because even with a mtn dew I still was NOT functional last night. It may have been due to taking care of 9 children and I was the only adult, but still. So, I didn't get up and do my 6 mile hill route. I slept. I forgot to make a reservation at the gym yesterday AM and by the time I called in the PM it was full. I called again this morning hoping for a cancellation so I could do the spin class and not have to go only 90 min from 10-11:30 when I was able to make a reservation. Well, I decided to just show up and see. They had a cancellation just before I got there. Yipee! So, I dropped off the kids and ran into spin class. Another crazy spin teacher, out of the saddle too much and at wrong times and there are so many weird things about her form it's just unreal. I guess I've been really spoiled with spin teachers! Anyway, I pushed myself hard the way I know how and ended up having to mop the floor when I was done - success! :) Then I went to the TM with tired legs to take on the Mexican Mtn goat in honor of Brent (BSRools) and his time down right now. Down, but NOT out! For those not familiar here is the break down: 10 min warm-up; 2 min @2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%; then 1 min@ 7%, 8%, 9%. Speed stays consistent (8:53 pace for me) and you have a 1 min rest between each climb at same speed, but 0% incline. On the way up I didn't rest until after 4%. Then you head back down doing another min @9%. Same deal, just down to 2%. I then finished off with a 1/2 mile push at -1% incline at 7:30 pace, sped to 6:53 for the last .15 mile. (AP: 8:48)
I felt a lot stronger than I remember in the past doing this workout. I finished and didn't feel dead. Always a good sign! Picked up kiddos and then stretched while they played on the rockwall for a minute. Good things about the new rec center change: drive time!! Family uses it more. Seeing old friends and teachers from my 'little gym'!!! Price, I can actually afford to pay a whole year at once. No cafe to have to pull the kids out of on our way out "no, I NEEEEED a treat!"
Bad things: day care reservations - blech! spin teachers - blech! No music overhead at the TM so I have to listen to my own which I'm bad about adding new to, so it gets old fast. No towels, have to bring and wash my own, Lifetime spoils you. Kids on the move class instead of sitting in the day care for my 4 yr old, he loved it today! Having to pay additional for day care, I might go broke!
Overall, I'm happy with the change, but will miss some things at club Hollywood. Maybe the spin teachers can just do a clinic for the ones here and then it will be 90% better :)
Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 6.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
| Comments(7) |
| | Thanks to the power being out last night, at 9:30 PM there was nothing better to do than go to bed - so I did! First time I've been asleep before 10 in a LOOONG time. Made getting up early for BBK's that much easier. Good thing too - after the last 3 days I needed a good rest! We had Yassos on the docket today and when I started running I was scared. Legs were tired and lead, just didn't want to move. After all I've put them through I couldn't quite blame them, but I wanted to really hit these Yassos for a good predictor. I'd been waiting all year for them! 3 miles of slow warm up, not even able to keep up with the group. We did 3 laps warm-up afterward on the track just before the 800's (1 easy, 2 with pickups on the straights). Here it goes...ready or not: 1- 3:24 (.52) RI: 2:25 2- 3:22 (.51) RI: 2:34 3- 3:25 (.51) RI: 2:35 4- 3:21 (.51) RI: 2:28 5- 3:25 (.51) RI: 2:37 6- 3:25 (.51) RI: 2:51 7- 3:21 (.50) RI: 2:30 8- 3:23 (.50) RI: done!!! no 'lap' recorded. So, I guess I actually feel pretty good about these. Especially knowing that they were on tired legs that didn't feel like they wanted to move at the beginning of the run. The RI were a bit shorter than they should've been as well, but still a good predictor that I can hit that 3:35:00 at SGM. I do believe now, I do believe! Cool down mile with Becca afterward, the wedding is coming too fast :( It's not the wedding so much, but the moving afterward.
Last quality workout this week is Saturday's MP miles at Spanish Fork Half. Goal will be 8:00mm (1:45 finish). Let's hope the legs will cooperate for one more, then we will start the taper - oh blessed taper!!! AP: 8:31 warm-up splits: 9:25, 8:44, 9:11, 8:45 (.75 on track) cool down: 10:37 - yeah speed was left on the track!!!
Cookie, Cookie Miles: 11.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
| Comments(18) |
| | A wonderful 'rest' day. I needed the sleep and time off the road. Spin class, good 60 minute push. Swim, 32 laps. Usually this is a mile, but I think this pool is more like 25 yds and not Meters, but I didn't have time for more - daycare was calling... Getting ready for tempo miles tomorrow.
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
| Comments(13) |
| Race: |
Spanish Fork Half-Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:42:01, Place overall: 10, Place in age division: 3 | | Well, I had decided to run this race as a good tempo to lock in my MP. When I figured out that an 8:00mm translated to a 1:45 I was a little nervous. That is kind of fast for me at a half. My best half is 1:40:54, so a 1:45 isn't all that easy! At SGM half in January I was racing all out and hit a 1:42:41 and thought I might die at the finish...1:45 wasn't going to come easy. I was scared. Plus, I think taper madness is starting, because I keep feeling all these little aches and pains that worry me. Grrr, confidence waning... Got to the race in time to get my bib and do a short 1 mile warm-up to loosen it all up so I could hit the paces right off. I finished just shy of a mile, but had to hit the pop before start time! I had maybe 3 minutes afterward to line up and get ready to go. I wished Merri good luck and we were off. I really wanted someone who was doing 8mm to pace me so I didn't have to look at my watch, HATE looking at my watch. Just after we started my watch lapped. What the heck?!? Crap! I forgot to reset it after the warm-up. Dang. So, all my splits are 1/5-1/4 of a mile off. Oh well, I wasn't tracking overall time, I wanted the AP for splits. My first came it at 7:54, still scared. That was too hard for just under! Next: 8:07, crap...it's all over. No! Stay strong, pick it up! By mile 3 my caffeine from the beginning of the race had kicked in and confidence returned. There was a nice little hill around mile 4 and I thought "this really is my little SGM! I just hit Veyo." :) Mile 4 split was 7:39 - oops! Feeling too good and a little downhill, but I'll bank it! On the first out and back it was fun to see all the rock-stars (Merri) leading the race! Awesome!! On the way out I saw Lowell, Terry, Karen and Toby. All looking strong and running well. Lowell tried to get me to turn and run with them, but I denied him and kept running my tempo - sorry Lowell. Got to go back down that 'veyo' hill in mile 7, then headed out on the River trail. I took a gu at the aid station just before 8, and I thought "man, I am struggling! It seems so much harder to keep pace." Just like in Riverton I struggled 8-10. However, we had a nice headwind and I didn't realize how uphill it was until the turn around and I felt like I was effortlessly flying down! Nice! Passed the leaders on the way in and the gang on the way out. I like the multiple out and backs on this course. Tried to encourage all I crossed! I don't remember splits after that 7:39 except that somewhere (9 maybe?) I hit a 7:40 as well and felt good! After 10 I decided to push a little and see what I could get on the flat/downhill to the finish. There was a group of guys I caught up to around mile 11ish and one guy didn't want to let me go! (oh, that HR "I can only run a 3:45" guy from Payson? Passed him at mile 10.5 and he said "well, you got me again!" I didn't even recognize him. Glad I could show him who was boss once more!). So, this guy, Regan I think, just matched me stride for stride. We are about the same height and after a while I said "just pull me to the finish" He responded "that's what you are supposed to do." We matched stride and pace elbow to elbow all the way to the finish! Even helped one another with a strong push to the finish line. It was SO nice!! Great to not have a female that you are 'competing' with and just be able to help each other! I was surprised to see the clock still in the 1:41's when it came into view. I couldn't believe I'd overshot my goal by so much and still felt good. I might just be able to do this after all! If I can maintain these paces (I'd have called this comfortably hard) on the flat/uphills of SF half, I can probably pull 8:00's at SGM. I'm gonna get that 3:35 if it kills me!! I want those darn BQ initials after my name before I turn 35 and can run slower! :) I ran back on the course to get Lowell and he was far enough back I had to go down and up that little hill at the end again -blech! Then he was pushing the pace the last mile - slow down! yeah, he got treated to some good RAD whining :) Karen and Terry were right behind him and I didn't see Toby, so I went back to get her. I was ALMOST to the hill when I saw her. I was SO grateful I didn't have to do that one again. She was finishing up a 20 miler with this race and was still looking strong. I forced her to pass a few women at the end and she had her familiar Toby finishing speed pulled out of her :) I checked the results and noticed I'd gotten 3rd in my AG! I was so excited! I guess all the speedy people stayed home to do their 20+ for SGM :) Either way, I'll take it. So, I offered to run with Toby and Karen their last 3 to finish off the 20 if they'd wait for me to get my medal. It was nice to get a little bling since they don't do finishers medals. I did a nice easy few more miles with Karen and Toby and enjoyed every minute of it! Finished off 19 for the day, and didn't even realize I was that high until Karen added up my miles for me :) Nice to get some longer miles in and some good pace miles too. I'm ready for SGM! Just gotta hang on to the start line now. Toby was nice enough to let me use her shower so I could attend Becca's bridal shower showered :) Didn't want to go home and back, I don't think I would've made it if I had. So, thanks Toby for a wonderful morning and refreshing shower :) I feel good (except for the tummy, I'm having issues...I think it's from the Advil I took last night to try and help my PF feel better during the race) and no soreness - so far! Taper here I come! warm-up: 9:27 (with fast start of the race) AP for race: 7:47 splits (remember, they are off due to user error): 7:54, 8:07, 7:57, 7:39, 7:55, 7:47, 7:54, 7:49, 7:50, 7:40, 7:40, 7:42, 7:31 (last .88 I recorded, my last minute was all under a 7mm). Cool-down AP: 10:00 splits: 9:45, 9:20, 10:23, 10:41, 10:01, 9:21 (just .05 to round out my miles to even).
Cookie, Cookie Miles: 19.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 |
| Comments(15) |
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Cookie, Cookie Miles: 36.20 | Inspire Yellow Racers Miles: 4.00 | Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 17.80 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | Weight: 0.00 | |
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