
Week starting Mar 16, 2014

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Member Since:

Jan 10, 2011



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:


Some day I will not be able to do this...today is not that day!

Started Running (6/1/10) @ 50 Yrs Old

  • 5K:
    • 22:26 (7:14 pace) McAllister Park 8/14/10
    • 22:24 San Marcos (7:13 pace) 10/19/10
    • 21:09 San Marcos (6:49 pace) 11/20/10
    • 20:19 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:33 pace) 5/26/12
    • 20:06 Fentress (6:26 pace) 10/20/12
    • *19:21 Gruene (6:20 pace) 11/22/12 (*Short Course)
    • 19:42 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:21 pace) 5/25/13
    • 19:42 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:21 pace) 5/24/14 (Not a Typo, exactly same time as last year)
    • 21:38 New Braunfels Orange Leaf (6:58 pace) 7/19/14
    • 19:33 Gruene Turkey Trot (6:18 pace) 11/27/14
    • 19:43 Kyle-For the Love of Go (6:27 pace) 2/14/15
  • 5 Miles:

    • 34:03 (6:48 pace) Hillsboro, Ill 7/4/11
  • 10Ks:
    • 43:24 (7:00 pace) Gatesville, Tx 6/4/11
  • Half Marathons:
    • 1:42:16 (7:48 pace) Austin Livestrong  2/20/11
    • 1:36:23 (7:21 pace) Moe's Better Half  3/6/11
    • 1:35:55 (7:19 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/29/11
    • 1:30:10 (6:53 pace) Austin 3M 1/2/12
    • 1:43:13 (7:54 pace) Orange Leaf  7/14/12
    • 1:33:44 (7:08 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/27/12
    • 1:32:23 (7:03 pace) Austin 3M 1/13/13
    • 1:35:16 (7:16 pace) Marathon for Adoption 10/26/13 (Ran off-course .3 miles)
    • 1:36:48 (7:23 pace) SA Rock-N-Roll 11/17/13
    • 1:37:06 (7:25 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/25/14
    • 2:00:28 (9:11 pace) Long Beach Half Marathon (Paced Callie) 10/11/15
    • 1:39:29 (7:35 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/21/15
    • 1:34:06 (7:11 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/19/16
    • 1:37:43 (7:37 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/18/17
    • 1:36:30 (7:22 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/17/18
    • 1:45:10 (8:01 Paced Callie) Surf City Half Marathon 2/2/20
  • Marathons:
    • 3:38:09 (8:19 pace) Oklahoma City Marathon 5/1/11
    • 3:30:16 (8:01 pace) Ft. Worth Cowtown 2/26/12
    • 3:30:53 (8:03 pace) Oklahoma City Marathon 4/29/12 
    • 0:00:00 (DNF) Ft Worth Cowtown Marathon 2/24/13 (Ran off-course)
    • 3:22:56 (7:44 pace) Temple Army Marathon BQ 4/21/13
    • 3:27:24 (7:55 pace) Boston Marathon BQ  4/21/14 
    • 3:18:40 (7:35 pace) CIM Marathon BQ 12/7/14
    • 3:33:07 (8:08 pace) San Antonio R&R Marathon BQ 12/7/16
    • 3:25:32 (7:51pace) The Woodlands Marathon BQ 3/3/18
    • 3:26:17 (7:52 pace) The Woodlands Marathon BQ 3/2/19
  • Triathlons:
  • (1:12:23) Martindale (Sprint) Tri For Old Glory 7/1/12
  • Ragnar Relay:
  • (28:24:24) SoCal Ragnar 4/6-7/18 

Short-Term Running Goals:

  • Running Boston Marathon with Callie 2020 ...!!!
  • Break 19:00 in the 5K
  • Break 1:28 in Half Marathon
  • Hit 3:16:00 in the Marathon

Upcoming Races: 

  • Boston with Callie...!!! (my daughter)

Long-Term Running Goals:

  • Win 1st in the World Series Team Roping Finals Dec. 2020
  • Run Boston with Callie, My Daughter
  • Run Sub-18:00 5K (Ouch)
  • Run Sub- 3:10 Marathon  Run 3:16 Marathon
  • Compete in a Full Iron Man (Not sure since my two major bike accidents)


Married, two kids  Kirby (Baylor University, Married not a a Runner), Callie  (TCU University, Married and Runner).

My main sport is Team Roping, I've been doing that all my life. 

I started running in the spring of 2010.

I Just Run               

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Brooks Racer ST 5 (Race Shoes) Lifetime Miles: 146.57
Saucony Kinvara 2 (Race Shoes) Lifetime Miles: 430.23
Swim Time Lifetime Miles: 26.00
Trek (Road Bike) Lifetime Miles: 1256.25
Altra-Instinct-Blue Lifetime Miles: 551.67
Altra Instinct Black Lifetime Miles: 520.10
Altra Paradigm Black Second Pair Lifetime Miles: 7.00
Saucony Kinvara 2 Green (Race Shoes) Lifetime Miles: 145.70
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Saucony Cortana (Red) Miles: 39.75Saucony Mirage II Miles: 31.75
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had to break this into two runs today. I didn't want to get up early enough to run it all. I went with our church group to serve and minister to the homeless in Austin at an event called Church under the bridge.

It was very windy during both runs. Can you tell where I was running with the wind? :-)

7:23 avg pace on the first 7 mile run (respectable) and 8:06 on the second 7 mile run (faster than I really planned).

9/16/2014 (Double)
Mile Time HR HR % Max HR
1 7:48:00 136 70%  
2 7:50:00 143 74%  
3 7:12:00 145 76%  
4 7:34:00 155 82%  
5 7:26:00 156 83%  
6 7:01:00 153 81%  
7 6:51:00 160 85%  
Total 51:42:00 150 79%  
Pace 7:23:09     WT
Temp 61 Humidity 72  
Dew Point 52 Wind 25 156
Target: Prpgressive effort…except for mile 6 when the wind was at my back.
9/16/2014 (Double)
Mile Time HR HR % Max HR
1 8:33:00 147 77%  
2 8:19:00 140 72%  
3 8:20:00 139 72%  
4 7:35:00 139 72%  
5 8:05:00 143 74%  
6 8:04:00 144 75%  
7 7:51:00 146 76%  
.25 Mile Cool-Down      
Total 56:47:00 143 74%  
Pace 8:06:43     WT
Temp 52 Humidity 36  
Dew Point 42 Wind 30 158
Target: This was supposed to be recovery pace but with the wind it was didn't seem like it.

Mark 4:39-41 

And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”


Saucony Cortana (Red) Miles: 14.25
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Recovery run at the gym. 9 Miles @ 9:20 pace.

Psalm 127:2 

It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.

Saucony Mirage II Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Today was a perfect morning to run. The weather was 42 degrees, low dew point and a full moon to run by. I wish I could have enjoyed it more but I think I'm getting a little mentally tired again. I find myself dreading the run and while I'm running continuing to think about how tired I am. I know I'm not really tired because as soon as I finish running I feel like I haven't run at all. Oh well...mental tricks, I just need to keep pushing for another couple of weeks and then I think the Boston high will kick in and I'll get excited again.

I left my Garmin at work so I only had my Iron Man watch so no splits or HR on this run. 

10 Miles @ 8:03 Pace (1:20:33). I started out pretty slow and picked it up after about half way through the run.

Psalm 55:22 

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

Saucony Cortana (Red) Miles: 10.25
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

A windy morning here in central Texas. Winds about 25 mph. My Garmin was dead so I had to use my trusty Iron Man watch again. No splits as it's not a GPS but I did run the usual 15 miles I've been running so I know the exact distance. This run was not spectacular...not good..not really even fair. I just ran with no intent. As usual it felt harder than I thought it should but who really know how hard it really was as my mind is playing games with me right now.

15 @ 8:05 Pace (Probably would have been below 8:00 but I had to stop and throw rocks at a couple of dogs that kept chasing me and acting like they were going to bite.)

55 Degrees - 76% Humidity - 49 Degree Dew Point - 154 Starting Weight

John 10:20 

Many of them said, “He has a demon, and is insane; why listen to him?”


Saucony Cortana (Red) Miles: 15.25
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

My legs felt good this morning and the weather was great so I decided to sandwitch a tempo run between some slower miles. The first mile of the Tempo Run is mostly up hill (about 65') and this was an out and back run so the last mile of the Tempo was mostly down hill. The rest of the run is rolling hills so overall elevation 0. 

I stopped to reset my watch before and after the Tempo Run. I think the Tempo part loosened up my legs, they felt better for the last 2.5 than they did for the first 2.5.


Mile Time HR HR %  
1 8:23:00 131 66%  
2 8:13:00 131 66%  
2.5 8:01:00 134 68% 8:15:00
1 6:56:00 147 77%  
2 6:53:00 155 82%  
3 6:47:00 148 78%  
4 6:43:00 159 85%  
5 6:23:00 164 87%  
5.5 3:13:00 166 88% 6:43:00
1 7:43:00 143 74%  
2 7:43:00 150 79%  
2.5 3:54:00 149 78% 7:43:00
Total Miles - 10.5     WT
Temp 43 Humidity 70 153
Dew Point 34 Wind   151.5

Psalm 121:1-2

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

Saucony Mirage II Miles: 10.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Easy day... 4 @ 8:30, 4 @ 8:15, 4 @ 8:00. Probably no run tomorrow and a 22 miler on Sunday (or Monday) depending on the weather.

Mile Time HR HR %  
1 8:31:00 121 59%  
2 8:27:00 130 65%  
3 8:28:00 127 63%  
4 8:29:00 138 71% 8:28:45
5 8:12:00 128 64% 129
6 8:19:00 130 65%  
7 8:08:00 134 68%  
8 8:10:00 137 70% 8:12:15
9 7:59:00 135 69% 132
10 8:02:00 136 70%  
11 7:50:00 141 73%  
12 8:05:00 140 72% 7:59:00
0.25 Slow-Cool Down      
Total 98:40:00 133 67%  
Pace 8:13:20     WT
Temp 48 Humidity 87  
Dew Point 52 Wind   152

Proverbs 13:4 

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.


Saucony Mirage II Miles: 12.25
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Saucony Cortana (Red) Miles: 39.75Saucony Mirage II Miles: 31.75
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