So....I decided to quit running for a while to see if my toe would get better. With this layoff it has actually seemed to get worse. Looking at my toe I believe it is starting to fuse the joint in place whereas when I was running on it, it continued to flex the joint.
I went for my annual check up with my general doctor yesterday. He looked at my toe and said it looked like "hammertoe"..the same thing I have been calling it. He believes I need to have surgery on it but gave me the name of another foot specialist to see for a second opinion. I set an appointment for the 18th to see this new doctor. I asked my doctor if they could just cut off that toe and he said "well, you really don't need that toe for anything". Don't know if he was kidding, but I wasn't.
I'll keep you guys informed about the prognosis but all I can advise is that you keep running because I'm coming to get you when I get this toe fixed!!!
Here's a's not as swolen as usual.
