Okay...back to the treadmill (literally)...!
Went to the gym today and ran 2 miles 9:30 and 8:30 pace, then high rep weights, 2 miles 9:00 and 8:00 pace, then high rep wieghts, then 2 miles 8:30 and 7:30 pace. If I run more than 2 miles the knee seems to start getting stiff/sore but when I rest it for a few minutes it then feels pretty good. I'm planning to keep up this pattern and see how it goes. OKC is not looking good right now even though I'm paid up to race. I guess if I don't get to run it I will just lower my goal to 3:20:00 and find another race in the next few months.
1 Corinthians 14:1
1 Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives-especially the ability to prophesy.