My foot has been killing me for the past three days but this morning it seemed to feel better so I went ahead and ran. It was not a comfortable run but I managed the 7 miles hobbling along most of the way. Yesterday I decided to set another appointment with my first foot doctor to get a second opinion. It has been almost a year since the surgery and I don't feel like I'm any better than I was a year ago. The pain was so bad I could bairly put weight on my foot yesterday. Something is not right.
Here's the painful run:
~~Mile Time HR HR % Max HR
1 8:51:00 132 67%
2 8:43:00 146 76%
3 8:15:00 147 77%
4 8:48:00 151 80%
5 8:48:00 153 81%
6 8:17:00 153 81%
7 7:51:00 160 85%
Total 59:33:00 149 78%
Pace 8:30:26
Temp 57 Humidity 94
Dew Point 55 Wind 6