Stonehenge with four circuits done for 5 miles at 9:38 pace per mile in 48:07 and done at 144 bpm avg HR with this being 83% MAX HR.
In the past I considered this Marathon Pace miles. But today I cannot justify this because I did not run hard - more a relaxed pace. And I did not run Long. I had to do another two roofs today and so I cut the run short. (Not the only reason though...not really that much into running today.). But I was prepared to run long...I had two Power Gels and a Camel Bak with 40 oz. Gatorade. Last week I did not have this and I left unprepared. I have to remember that the purpose of Longs is to prepare for the run it as you would the Marathon - with proper liquid and fuel.
So I complete Week Six of Eighteen in the training program.
Only 23.78 miles this week.
Clearly I am not running the correct mileage.
But have faith folks. I will get there. Really the weather has been bad. But I am making adjustments. The RHTM is very helpful. I am not big into TMs. But in weather like this - well it does come in handy.
My last entry was 1/22/11. So I just today added entries for 1/27, 1/28, 1/30, 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/4, 2/5 and 2/6. All caught up. Still alive and well. Have not been much on the Net lately.
5 miles at 8:24 pace per mile in 42:00. MP and done at 1200 on RHTM.
Half mile Repeats at 8:00 pace with equal rest at 9:00 pace. Some of the half mile repeats done at 7:53. Did a mile at 7:47 pace. Equaled out to overall pace of 8:24 for the five miles. Sweat pouring off me during the repeats. Shirt soaked. A much better type of run than running the miles at an even pace!! I love these repeats. The 7:47 mile was an attempt to see if I can keep it together for mile repeats and I believe I can. I did today for one mile. I believe I am interested in doing 800, 1200 and 1600 repeats. 1/4 mile repeats might be interesting...but for Marathon preparation, I am thinking the longer repeats are more sensible.
3 miles at 8:00 pace per mile in 24:00. HMP and done at 1700 on RHTM.
These three miles done at the end of the day were done at 8:00 pace and much easier to do at an 8:00 pace than in days gone by. So I am actually capable of going faster than 8:00 pace on the TM with minimal discomfort. And I am definitely getting a feel for the TM. Less concerned about falling off the damn thing now. Took a little while for me to get used to it. And after the three miler I learned a little about setting the "Interval" workout such that do not need to adjust manually while on the TM. Can program the machine to shift speeds during the workout...which should prove more "natural."
Overall the 8 total miles done at 8:15 pace per mile. Thus will consider these HMP miles.
343C027 is 2 miles at 8:00 pace at 0715 for 16 minutes on RHTM.
344C028 is 4 miles at 8:00 pace at 1205 for 32 minutes on RHTM.
Total: 6 miles at 8:00 pace for HMP miles.
Above indicates should do repeats faster than 8:00 pace. I will have to look up again what speed I am supposed to be doing repeats at for the 800, 1200 and 1600s.
RHTM at 1705 with 5.5 miles done at 8:15 avg pace per mile. Thus HMP miles. Did Half Mile repeats at 7:45 with equal rest at 8:45. Once again, a great workout.