Week starting Jan 02, 2011

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Oct 03, 2010



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PR for All Race distances - simple enough - right?

Improve VDOT from 42 and get to 43 as proven by Race Result(s) or Time Trial(s).

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Qualify for Boston Marathon


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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance


eyeglass/boot route at 1316.  6 miles done in 55:10 at 9:13 avg pace with AHR being 138 (79% MHR).  Of note, I ran faster today by five seconds per mile but my HR is 79% MHR compared to  84% MHR of yesterday.  Thus I ran faster today with less effort.  Good.

Easy (GA) run scheduled for today which is 9:00-9:30 pace and 70-81%.  I stayed within the time and HR intensity parameters.

Splits: 922/129, 918/137, 905/140, 910/143, 915/141, 909/144.

Week Summary: Met goals for the week.  Off Monday.  Ran Tuesday through Sunday.  Did the scheduled mileage at the planned paces and HR intensities.  Off to a good start and have completed Week One of 18.  Week One sees 40.44 miles run.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance


eyeglass/boot route at 1533.  6 miles done in 52:15 at avg. 8:42 pace with AHR being 146 (84% of MHR).

MP should be 8:37 and at 79-88% MHR.  I was five seconds off per mile from MP from time perspective.  Was within MP HR intensity range.  All splits within 8 seconds of each other.  High consistency. 

844/135, 845/146, 838/148, 843/150, 846/151, 838/151. 

This run was not easy.  I felt like I was going faster than 84% MHR.  I knew I ran MP Tuesday with 85% MHR and 9:02 pace.  If I ran 9:02s with that kind of HR, what was my HR for 8:42s?  I suppose I could have looked at the HR while doing the run...but I wanted to maintain the pace and then assess.  Tuesday of course was my first day back to running after 16 days off.  So what does this mean to me...I think I am getting my fitness back.  Earlier I had reported running at high HR intensities and pace seemingly not reflecting effort.  Now pace is where I would expect it to be given effort. 



Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

330C004 and 331C005 for 7.36 miles.

330C004 is six miles done at 1318 in 54:31 and 9:05 pace per miles average with 141 bpm average (81% MHR).

331C005 is 1.36 miles done at 1414 in 12:09 at 8:57 pace per mile with average HR being 145 bpm (83% MHR).

Splits for first six miles: 916/133, 920/143, 944/148, 839/135, 855/141, 838/147. 

Last 1.36 mile splits are 916/146 and 8:01 pace per mile for 0.36 (142 bpm).

I got some vert in today by running up East Rock but the elevation is not as pronounced as I thought it would be.  Still would be good route for Hill Repeats.  Mile 1.25 to 2.81 sees 245 feet elevation.  Total elevation gain for the six miles was 378 Feet.  Took a wrong turn and watched stopped at six miles when the planned six was done.  So stopped and reset the watch to track the extra distance.  Ran 1.36 more today than planned. 

These miles are being considered MP miles although they were run at the low end of MP range. MP is 79-88% MHR and these miles were run at 81% MHR.  MP is 8:37 and I did these at average 9:05 paceā€¦MP because I did fall within the MP range and also because of the Hill workout.  And also considering this my Speed workout (Hills after all).

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance


Hartford Turnpike to State Street Route at 1150 with weather being cool.  5 miles done in 42:45 for 8:33 pace per mile average and at 145 bpm at 83% MHR and thus MP miles.

Splits: 9:00 (137), 8:24 (141), 8:31 (146), 8:24 (150), 8:27 (153).

The first mile was hilly and the next four miles see consistent splits all within seven seconds of each other.  Better than MP from time perspective (mile splits).  Mid MP range from HR intensity perspective.  Note: Go for even splits for the long run on Saturday.

I would have to rate this run as A+.  Why?  Because the splits were faster than MP range and the HR intensity at MP midpoint range.  But I think if it were a longer run, the HR intensity average would have increased with equal effort.  The front two miles always have lower HR readings, and as can be seen, the HR numbers increase with each split despite splits being consistent. 

Note: When look at Garmin data, pertaining to splits, Press splits and you get the splits and the elevation gain for the splits along with other pertinent data.  I again was checking out the course elevation as I am running Colchester in February. 

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance


eyeglass/boot at 1036 with cool weather.  5 miles done in 45:35 at 9:07 pace per mile average with 137 bpm at 79% MHR for Easy (GA) run.

Recovery Run scheduled for today which is 10-1030 pace and < 76% MHR.  But I ran 9:07s for an Easy (GA) run because ten minute miles are I think a bit too slow.  At the end of Mile 5, there was an incline.  I wanted to see if I could maintain the pace going up the incline...had been at 9:57 and got the pace to 9:52.  So pace can be maintained uphill...but I would imagine for short distances...How long could I maintain an even pace going up without exhausting self...will need to test that out.

Splits: 9:18 (121), 9:08 (137), 9:10 (137), 9:06 (139), 8:52 (144).

Tomorrow have a long run scheduled - a 12 miler.  Am considering doing the last 8 miles at 8:37 (MP).  The idea: Can I sustain even MP splits for Mile 5-12?  Test it out. 


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance


Stonehenge route at 1252 x ten circuits for 12 miles.  Done in 1:48:07 for 9:00 pace per mile average and 141 bpm average at 81% MHR.  Long Run Miles.

Splits: 9:41 (132), 9:19 (137), 9:07 (140), 9:02 (143), 8:59 (143), 8:55 (143), 8:48 (143), 8:56 (143), 8:52 (143), 8:50 (144), 8:52 (145), 8:46 (146).

I had planned to run the last 8 at MP.  I scrapped that plan as there was a storm yesterday and 6-12 inches of snow.  Ran in slush.  Opted to bring the average pace for the 12 miles to 9:00 pace per mile.  Last 7 miles done in 8:46 to 8:56 pace range.  MP is 8:37.  Mile 4-9 shows exactly 143 bpm. That is doubtful.  The HR was probably higher.  Never is there that much consistency and usually the HR goes up as miles are piled on. 

So did I do MP miles today.  I would guess that I got 9 MP miles in there versus 8.  Mid range HR intensity for MP miles is 144.  The last nine miles HR intensity range is 143-146.  And my guess is that  those six 143s should be higher.  The HR monitor kicks in at mile ten and the HR gets progressively higher through mile 12.

Ah let me take that back...I should have run eight 8:37 miles.  I did not. So I did not run 8  MP miles or 9 MP miles. 

Maybe next long run I will go for 8 MP miles between the front and back end of the run.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
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