AM: Woke up early with my dad and headed over to sugarhouse park. I did a half mile warm up, then put on my weights then did my 400s. I did a 2x400 with equal recovery. I was going to do three but I had to go to the bathroom really bad and the bathrooms weren't open at the park. So after that I did a mile cooldown. NOON: At noon I went over to Sunnyside park to do a fartlek workout. I did a lap around the park for a mile warm up, grabbed my water bottle and headed over to the tree to start the workout. I was going to do 10x1 with a minute recovery but after 6 I really needed water badly so I stopped for 5 minutes stretched and got water then I finished the last 4. Then I did a mile and a half cooldown.... I never really cooldowned just made my legs for tired and because of the heat.... When I got home I did crunches, push ups, and planks and am about to take an ice bath if my sister will ever get out of the shower....... |