Went to the Dr this morning, convinced me all over again how horrible my dr was before and that I should have gotten someone new a longggg time ago instead of wasting all this time. I have a bone scan later this week (scary! I've never had one before, kind of scared of the injection!), so then I will know for sure if my worst fears are true. Yesterday and today though my ankle has felt much better though, so I did run 1 mile today on the TM. 2 miles total. I did .5 walking, .5 running, .25 walk, .5 run, .25 walk. Tomorrow I'm going to try 2-3 miles and see how it feels, and if it feels good, start my 3 days a week routine. Here's what she said though: 1) Orthotics - I got the SuperFeet Berry insoles for my shoes, I'm supposed to try these for a month and if they don't do enough for me I'll go the route of getting official expensive orthotics. This should help with the shin splints, and possibly correspondingly, with the ankle. 2) Stretching & Strengthening - I need to warm-up, cool-down, stretch, and strengthen (duh, but I don't do it!). Strengthen my front shin muscles, my knee inside, outside, and front muscles. Do more p90x plus the special exercises, and do more yoga for the stretching. Oh yeah, and Day 2 of the push-up challenge: 6, 8, 6, 6, 8(max)