9:30am- Pretty fun race at cottonwood park. We won as a team and i think i had a good race; it's hard to compare races in cross. This course was a pretty hard course but fun too. The hills were good to make it fun cause flat courses just seem more boring. The race turned out way good. It was almost like a miracle that i felt so good. The day before my throat was still burning like crazy, and me and ryan and able and colton and jason didn't fall asleep until 12:30. Any ways, once the race started the first part felt stressful cause i couldn't run where i wanted too, i just had too go around people and stuff. Coach and everyone had told us the place to pass people was up the hills. But the place I passed everybody was going down the hills. I just let my legs go free and everyone else kinda went fast but tried to control there speed going down. Halfway through the second loop, paul came up with me and got like 10 feet ahead and i told myself i was just gonna stay right here behind paul. But before i knew it he was like 50 feet ahead of me and getting farther. paul had a way good race, i could tell he really dared hardcore. Half a mile later i was catching paul and feeling strong. When coach said there was 400 left i kept going a little harder and going around the last turn i was right up with hobbs and paul. and thats how we finished pretty much. I had a good race but i wish i could have pushed it harder like paul.