Slight change from my usual Saturday schedule, but there's some method to it. I got to bed real late last night after spending the day in Seattle and watching fireworks from the ferry home, and slept fitfully because fireworks are legal here in Kitsap County and it's like Baghdad the early hours of July 5. Since I had to work a few hours this morning and then judge a mustache contest (yeah, you read that correctly -- my profile photo shows my credentials) I decided to sleep in and skip the Slug run. So tonight I did 6 miles to Illahee State Park and back, it's the hilliest route I have and was pretty warm by evening. Run went fine though I labored a bit (ate tortilla chips before leaving --dumb), but I didn't notice any foot pain. I'll get up tomorrow and do a morning run, kind of a Ragnar simulator I'll try a few times before the race. It won't be the same turnaround as two Ragnar legs, but I'll see how I feel on less rest than usual. 45:07. supernova -- 385