| Location: Meridian,ID,US Member Since: Mar 31, 2008 Gender: Male Goal Type: Boston Qualifier Running Accomplishments: PR's:
5K Beat Coach Pete Fun Run Boise, ID- 21:13(2009)
Meridan Barn Sour Days 10k, Meridian, ID- 41:32(2012)
Famous Potato Half Marathon, Boise, ID- 1:30:40 (2012)
Utah Valley Marathon, Provo, UT- 3:20:14 (2011)
Athlinks profile here.
Garmin Connect profile here. Short-Term Running Goals: 2014 Racing Schedule and Goals:
-Get healthy
-St. George Marathon, October 4, 2014, St. George, UT Long-Term Running Goals: Run at least one marathon every year until I buy the farm.
Qualify for Boston Marathon. Personal: Started running in November 2007 to get fit. Now I'm back almost to square one after back surgery. I did it once and I'll do it again.
"In truth, runners don't race other runners. They race against themselves: to conquer their wills, to transcend their weaknesses, to beat back their nightmares. And while a runner can't actually beat himself, he can beat his time. Even years into running, he can get better." Running for His Life by Michael Hall.
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Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 46.75 | Saucony Kinvara Miles: 73.67 | Saucony Tangent 4 Miles: 27.08 | Brooks Launch (Black/Green) Miles: 53.48 | Nike LunaRacer +2 Miles: 27.79 | DS Racer 8 Miles: 20.16 |
| | 9PM: Easy recovery run on another beautiful and mild evening. Weather is supposed to be crappy tomorrow so we'll see if I can do a long hilly run on the Robie course or if I'm forced to run inside again. |
Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 5.53 |
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| | Back to back 20 milers. The way the weather looked this morning, I was worried that I'd have to run inside again. But things started clearing up around noon and the sun even came out. Not as nice as yesterday but not bad. Kept up a pretty good pace the first half but the wind and fatigue made me about 30 secs per mile slower the 2nd half. Still, I feel like I put in some pretty good work today and that my endurance training is coming along. Now I just need to develop some speed to go with it. |
Saucony Kinvara Miles: 20.00 |
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AM: Hill workout on the TM; 1M intervals of inclines up to 6.5. I felt pretty strong but my left heel was really bothering me. It got better as the run continued, leading me to believe that my ankle problem has morphed into a plantar fasciitis problem. From the web-based research I've done it seems to be rather common that the symptoms of PF are most acute in the morning and alleviate as the fascii stretches out. It's a little painful at the outset but bearable. From everything I've read though it seems that the only way to get rid of PF involves either surgery or prolonged rest. I've done some little things like wrapping it at night, icing it and stretching it but I guess its just something I'll have to deal with. Now that most of my footwear is of the minimalist variety w/ comparatively little cushioning, I've attempted to transition to more of a forefoot strike in order to avoid putting too much stress/impact on the heels. I'm hoping that change in form will make it at least more manageable.
PM: Watched the NCAA NC game and had to go out for a run to so as to rid myself of the horrible memory of Butler's remarkable ineptitude. What a stinker! It may have put mens collegiate basketball back on par with the ladies. Easy 5M progressive run topping out @ 8:05/mi for the last 2M. |
Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 4.88 | Saucony Tangent 4 Miles: 6.30 |
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Medium-long run. This one was tough. I didn't get out the door until late, legs were heavy, and I just wasn't into it. Kept up a decent pace anyway, which I suppose is a good sign. Slept in a protective boot last night to see if I could alleviate some of the PF I've been experiencing. It did feel better this morning. I'll keep using it this week and see if I can't substantially reverse the symptoms. |
Brooks Launch (Black/Green) Miles: 13.15 |
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| | PM: Easy recovery run on the TM. Woke up late last night because I had fastened the straps to my boot/splint too tight and it cut of my circulation. Got so frustrated that I just ripped it off and went back to bed. Consequently, I'm right back where I started w/ the PF. Hopefully, tonight will go better but I'm not optimistic. |
Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 5.51 |
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| | PM: Medium-long run. Strong progressive run topping out at 5 secs faster than current MP for the last 2M. PF is still bothering me. I think the boot is gonna get the boot. The only thing it is accomplishing is making me sleep uncomfortably. |
Nike LunaRacer +2 Miles: 10.25 |
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| | PM: Interval session on TM: 6 x 300 meters @ just a little slower than 10k race pace (7:14/mi). Felt pretty good but I'm still searching for a consistency to my stride. Sometimes I feel like I have good extension and push off and then I lose focus and it goes to crap. Running a 5k tomorrow w/ my son which I'm approaching as a speed workout. |
Brooks Launch (Black/Green) Miles: 6.51 |
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I ran the Beat Coach Pete 5k w/ my son this morning. I'm not counting it as a race because I had to pull up after two miles w/ a horrible muscle cramp/pull in my lower hamstring just above the back of my knee.
I did a half mile warmup. Weather was cool and with a slight drizzle but not too horrible. I actually started pretty well w/ the first couple of miles @ 6:58 and 6:52. Unfortunately, I spent a lot of energy early in the race. This race is fun but there are a lot of runners for the size of the course which funnels more than 2k runners onto the narrow greenbelt. Did a lot of dodging, braking and zig zagging the first mile or so but then I thought I was settling into a good rhythmn until I went down a slight decline coming through a tunnel underneath Capitol Blvd.
That's when my hammie seized. I sat down for a little while and contemplated whether I would just head back to my car but then I remembered that my son would be waiting for me at the finish. So I got up and walked for about a 1/4 mile and then jogged to the finish. It's pretty sore right now. I've got Robie coming up in a week and, more importantly, I'm knee deep in my marathon training. Hopefully, its just a bad cramp and not an actual tear. |
Saucony Kinvara Miles: 3.60 |
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PM: Got a massage this afternoon to see if I could speed the recovery of my cranky hamstring. Early results are promising but inconclusive. The pain is gone but its still tight.
Started really slow and apprehensive but eventually found a rhythmn. I didn't know what to expect and I was a little disappointed that the tightness was still there and noticeable. Kept thinking that if I stepped wrong or accelerated too quickly it would just pop like a piano wire. About 3 or 4 miles of this uneasiness gave way to indifference. I've got a race on Saturday and its either going to hold up or its not. |
Saucony Tangent 4 Miles: 9.17 |
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PM: Interval run: 2M warm; 6x800m @ 10k race pace w/ 800m jog in between; cool. I started out this run incredibly stiff. My right leg wouldn't fully extend for the first mile or so. It was kinda similar to how my legs feel after I start a weight training program after a long layoff, only on one leg. It wasn't painful but more than a little disconcerting. After 2 miles of warmup I decided to test it and it more or less responded. My form didn't feel easy or smooth but that's nothing new. I was able to generate enough turnover to reach 10k pace but try as I might I couldn't go any faster- not even for a measly hundred yards. Aerobically I feel fine but I don't feel like I can generate any power or pushoff. I think it will be fine for Saturday so long as I don't attack the downhill too hard. I won't have to hold back on the uphill, the hill will make me. |
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| | PM: Easy medium-long run. Hamstring feeling a little better after a day off and some stretching. Also purchased some compression shorts. Don't know if they helped the hammie but they are comfortable. |
Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 11.81 |
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| | Noon: Short progression run during lunch as a tune-up for Robie tomorrow. 7:45/mi avg pace, topping out @ 7:25/mi for last mile +. Hammie feeling better every day. It's still noticeable but not nearly as tight as it was earlier in the week. |
Brooks Launch (Black/Green) Miles: 4.39 |
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| Race: |
Race to Robie Creek (13.1 Miles) 01:54:43, Place overall: 276, Place in age division: 47 | |
Third time's a charm. I was finally able to crack 2 hours. I knew I was in better shape this year than years past in terms of base mileage but I really was just doing this as a fun training workout for my 'A' goal which is a BQ in Utah Valley in two months.
I did almost no hill work leading up to the race and consequently I was not as strong as I'd hoped to the summit. Had to walk for brief periods, employing a modified Galloway run/walk strategy for the last 1.5 miles to the summit. 2k elevation gain is a lot but a disproportionate amount of that elevation is gained from mile 7 to the 8.5 mile mark. I did knock a few minutes off my summit time from years past but there's still a lot of minutes to be saved by being in better hill shape.
I felt like I was going a bit faster on the downhill but my splits didn't reveal much of an advantage over year's past (avg. 7:00/mi). Splits and course profile here. (Note: I had the course short).
No issues with my hamstring and aside from some stomach queeziness it was pretty uneventful in terms of injuries or aches/pains. It was fun to run this one w/ a couple of friends, Brian and fellow FRBer Court. Although I didn't see much of either of them during the race. Court took off and just killed it w/ a 1:38. Awesome to see how much improvement he's experienced in such a relatively short time. |
Saucony Kinvara Miles: 13.10 |
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AM: Raining this morning so I took the workout inside to the TM. Quads are very sore from Saturday's race. Slow and easy to get all of that lactic acid out. Another short, easy workout tonight.
PM: Another short, easy TM run to get the mileage quota for the day. My quads are toast. Had an extremely hard time w/ the stairs at home and work today. I felt so good after the race on Saturday that I'm more than a little surprised to be so sore right now. I'm going to stretch and ice tonight and hopefully most of it will work its way out of my muscles tonight. |
Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 4.65 | Brooks Launch (Black/Green) Miles: 5.39 |
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| | PM: Another slow and easy run on a cool evening. We're getting some sunshine now but the temp still dips into the 30's at night. My quads are better than yesterday but still thrashed. Going upstairs is tolerable now but going downstairs is still excruciating. Took me a couple of miles just to loosen up and I decided just to keep it slow and steady. I've got a 20+ miler planned for the weekend and I'm just trying to get some mileage and allow the body to recover at the same time. Those two goals may be incompatible. |
Nike LunaRacer +2 Miles: 8.54 |
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| | PM: Raining again. Easy progressive run on the TM. Started very slow and ended @ 8:00/mi pace for last 1.5M. Quads and calves feeling better but now my hamstring tightness has returned. |
Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 7.32 |
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| | PM: 3M warmup; 7M @ 7:45/mi avg pace; cool. Wanted to run this tempo closer to 7:30/mi pace but just didn't have it in me. Overall pace was right @ current marathon pace. Very cool evening w/ a stiff breeze. Major stomach ache didn't help my flow. On the upside, my leg soreness is pretty much gone. |
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| | Noon: Beautiful sunshiny day. Ran an out and back on the GB from the Firefighter's Memorial to Municipal Park. Suffering from some tired legs after last night's workout. My heart-rate started out elevated and I could never get it under control even though my pace was relaxed. Need get some quality rest tonight for tomorrow's long run. |
Saucony Tangent 4 Miles: 6.34 |
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10AM: Easy long run. That is if you can ever consider 20+ miles "easy." Beautiful conditions, sunny and temp in the 50's w/ 10mph breeze. Ran a 12M loop to start so that I could stop by the house and get some agua. I sort of figured that it would be hard to start up again and it was. The advantage is not having to carry any water w/ me. The second loop was 8+ miles. Did the whole 20 miler pretty much w/o fuel. Had half of a granola bar that I got in last weeks race. After 19 miles I was spent and sort of limped home against a mild headwind. This makes two 20 milers and a hard trail half marathon race in the last 4 weeks. |
Saucony Kinvara Miles: 20.22 |
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| | PM: More rain and wind forced me inside for a really good interval workout: 3M warm; 7 x 600m @ 6:53/mi pace w/ 400m jog in between; cool. This felt really easy and smooth. I probably could have done the intervals a bit faster but my hamstring was tightening up so I didn't push it. I know that I didn't hit V02 max. I'll try this workout again next week and maybe run them closer to 6:30/mi pace to see if I can max out. |
Nike LunaRacer +2 Miles: 9.00 |
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| | PM: Back to back outstanding workouts. Finally feeling like I'm making some tangible progress in my training. Ran 5M at a moderate to easy pace then 9M @ 7:45/mi pace (7:55/mi pace overall). Not really a tempo run because the pace never felt uncomfortable. Felt relatively effortless and smooth. Its probably no coincidence that my base mileage is up and my body weight is down. I expect to see more gains as I get closer to the 170 lb range, new territory for me. Getting some good turnover and pushoff. The increased leg strength is likely a dividend of the hill workout/race at Robie 10 days ago. |
Brooks Launch (Black/Green) Miles: 14.04 |
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| | PM: Quick and easy recovery run. Pretty windy tonight but I ran strong. Picked up a new ipod shuffle. Beats the heck out of carrying my ipod touch. It clips right onto my shirt and I hardly know its there. Should have gotten one for running a long time ago. |
Saucony Tangent 4 Miles: 5.27 |
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| | PM: Moderately easy run w/ 7 x 1/10mi strides & fast finish mile (7:28/mi pace). Not a bad run considering that it took some real willpower to get out the door this evening. I've felt really lethargic and achy all day. I may be fighting off a flu bug. |
Brooks Launch (Black/Green) Miles: 10.00 |
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| | PM: Easy run on the TM to build the base mileage. Still feeling below average but I eased into a nice 8:00/mi pace after about 3M. It snowed this morning and was unseasonably chilly w/ a lot of wind. Weather is supposed to turn for the better starting tomorrow. I certainly hope so. |
Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 7.05 |
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| | PM: Easy long run @ 8:18/mi pace overall. Weather is starting to turn. Mostly sunny w/ a temp near 60 this afternoon- but there was a LOT of wind. I benefitted from it for half of the run but it always seems like a headwind slows you down and wears you out more than a tailwind speeds you up. |
Saucony Kinvara Miles: 16.75 |
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Wave Rider 12(3) Miles: 46.75 | Saucony Kinvara Miles: 73.67 | Saucony Tangent 4 Miles: 27.08 | Brooks Launch (Black/Green) Miles: 53.48 | Nike LunaRacer +2 Miles: 27.79 | DS Racer 8 Miles: 20.16 |
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