Eleven miles around Sugarhouse and the HH track in 1:21. Feeling achy and it won't go away. Ran into "Smokin'" Jake Krong at the track breaking in his new spikes with some fast 200s. Some random thoughts on meat loaf... So my wife went to Sunflower Market today and bought a meat loaf. Sunflower Marked is sort of a poor man's Whole Foods. Anyway, they have prepared meat loaf's in their deli and all you have to do is plop them in the oven and serve. I had high hopes for this meat loaf and was thoroughly disappointed. It was borderline gross - not nearly as good as the meat loaf's Ann lovingly prepares herself. The weird thing about it is that I couldn't identify one specific thing I found distasteful about this particular meat loaf. Made me think that perhaps meat loaf is a deeply personal thing and it's just hard to accept anyone else's version.