AM: I walked 4 miles this morning - most of it was with Ann. Yesterday we celebrated our 22nd year of not getting divorced or ever going to Europe.
Tomorrow we will be celebrating the 4th of July, also known as "Independence Day". It's called that because on or around that day in the year 1776, "these United States" declared their independence from Great Britain. This was our first big founding moment. The British were't keen on the idea of letting us go so we had to fight a war with them to secure our independence. This war was led by General George Washington who in 1789 became the first President of the United States after the Constitution was written and ratified by the states, our second big founding moment. Since then each president has become progressively greater leading up to the ultimate perfection of Donald Trump.
I was reading yesterday that between 40 and 45 percent of Americans don't know what the day is all about.