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St. George Marathon

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Member Since:

Jun 19, 2006



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Short-Term Running Goals:

 2022 Running Goals:

Stay fit and healthy.  Run a decent Boston and St. George marathon.




Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep fit and stay semi-competitive as long as I can.



I have a wonderful wife and son and we live in Riverton/Herriman Utah. I am a high school teacher, and head coach for cross country and track at Mountain Ridge High. 


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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Type A Lifetime Miles: 66.60
Saucony Kinvara 8 Green Lifetime Miles: 131.90
Hoka Speedgoat 3 Lifetime Miles: 444.95
Nike Zoom Fly (Black) Lifetime Miles: 236.85
Saucony Endorphin Pro Lifetime Miles: 59.50
Saucony Endorphin Shift Lifetime Miles: 235.50
Saucony Triumph 18 Gray Lifetime Miles: 131.20
Nike ZoomX Invincible FK 2 Lifetime Miles: 113.25
Altra Rivera 2 Black Lifetime Miles: 31.62
Nike Zoom Alphafly Lifetime Miles: 35.10
Under Armour Infinite Pro Lifetime Miles: 35.10
Nike Infinity React 4 Lifetime Miles: 47.10
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Saucony Omni 5 Miles: 12.80Saucony Tangent 2 Miles: 32.20Asics 2130 Miles: 5.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Big Bluffdale loop with Stockton, Alex and Dillon this afternoon.  It was hot, around 90 degrees!  We averaged 7:35 pace.  Legs tired today still.  maybe This taper will be good and maybe not, eh!  Tapering always feels crappy to me.

Saucony Omni 5 Miles: 9.30
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I had my Varsity kids do 3x1600 repeats on the grass today.  I didn't want to do more that one mile hard so I ran two with the girls and one with the boys.  I paced the girls on the first one to a 6:30.  Then I ran one with the guys at 5:21.  the one more with some of my other girls around 6:40.  The 5:21 felt great!  It was warm and very windy today.  This is my last speed until Saturday so just a could of easy days to taper down.  I just need to stay healthy and get some good rest and I should do okay.  Hopefully the weather will be decent on Saturday, I will always be nervous about that after last year's hellish experience.

Saucony Tangent 2 Miles: 6.00
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Easy run with the whole team down to the city park and back.  It is amazing how it was mid 80s yesterday and snowing today!  Nice weather for the run though, I am hoping for the same on Saturday.  My left leg had some tightness in the tendons behind my knee.  Yesterday it was my ankle, the day before my hip.  Tapering , even a little, seems to always suck!  

Asics 2130 Miles: 5.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Very easy run this morning.  Bundled up good because there was frost on the ground!  My tendons behind both knees were tight and my left ankle was sore, but I know that is part of the taper blues, I'll be fine on race day.

Saucony Omni 5 Miles: 3.50
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Race: St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:39:05, Place overall: 20, Place in age division: 3
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

 We stayed with Clyde and Mik'L this year which was fun for us.  I wasn't worried about this year because it had already sucked so bad that I figured anything decent would be a highlight.  My goal is always to break 2:30 which will happen next year, if I can get back to 100% health, but I knew there wasn't a shot this year.  I figured I was in enough shape with my 1000 mile year, no speedwork to speak of, and one little race that I could still run between 2:35 and 2:40.  I would have loved to run with Walter and Greg but I knew they were way ahead of me and I would only slow them down.  So I figured I would just go out and see how I felt and whatever happened happened.

I didn't do great with my splits but I'll show what I had just for future reference.

Mile 1-   6:02 

2-   6:10

3-4   11:43

5-6   11:38

7-8   12:42

9-10   12:54    1:01:11 at the 10 mile mark

11-12   13:08

13-13.1   6:56    1:21:16 at the half

13.1-14   5:14

15-16   11:22

17-18  11:49

19-20  12:19   2:02:03 at 20 miles

21-22   11:55

23   5:49

24-25.2  13:03

25.2- 26.2  6::05   Last 10k in 36:55

Not much to say really.  I was alone from mile 1 until I saw Dave drop at mile 18 or 19, then I caught 4 more guys in the last 10k.  I lost a lot of motivation to push just being out by myself the entire race, and you can see where I was lazy. 

The kicker for me was that I got screwed on planting my drinks on the elite tables which cost me time and more time because of not getting what I needed.  At mile 7 I stopped to get my first GU and they didn't have it at the table.  I could have used it too.  When I got to mile 11 to get my drink it wasn't there either, by this time I was mad and even said a few choice words I probably shouldn't have.  A little bit up the road I saw my bottle empty and on the road.  At mile 15 again no drink, empty bottle on the road.  Mile 19 no GU, packet empty on the road.  Finally I got one of my five plantings at mile 23, but by then it did me no good.  Some scum was taking my stuff ahead of me, probably some reject that didn't plant anything themselves.  I was so mad it was probably good I never found them.  I was hoping some volunteer would tell me what number was taking my stuff or that I would come up on somebody in the act but it never happened.  I let the race directors have several ear fulls when I got in.  I was and still am in the mood to drop the scum that was doing it.  That whole deal put a damper on the whole race for me.  I was counting on that stuff to help me out, and the thought that someone was taking it and didn't care how bad they screwed whoever's stuff it was made me furious. 

The good thing is I still drug myself across the line before 2:40.  It was a good day to run if I would have been in condition to race fast.  But there is always next year.  Seeing Walter, Greg, Marcie, and Josse do so well made me happy too.  It was fun to see Clyde and Logan drag Paul across before 3 hours too.  I still ended up 20th overall and 3rd in the age because of the weaker field, but I''ll take those places weak or not.

The weekend was good.  I saw a lot of good friends, had a nice time, and I finished with a respectable time and place for a rough year.  I am not going to hang it up and do ultras, I'll be back and faster than before.



Saucony Tangent 2 Miles: 26.20
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Saucony Omni 5 Miles: 12.80Saucony Tangent 2 Miles: 32.20Asics 2130 Miles: 5.50
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