AM: 5 miles at track in Safety Harbor. Just ran some laps with the group and timed them for their workout
PM: 10+ at track with Sean, Anthony, Drew, Jim, and Lee. For the workout, Lee, Anthony, Sean and I decided to do the 1000s with 200 recovery. I wanted to amend it to 2 sets of 3x1000, but they seemed to want a 7x1000, so I figured I'd drop down to a 5x1000 and try and make it with the short recoveries.
Splits- 3:12, 3:15, 3:16, 3:14, 3:16
I was pretty done by the fifth item, but thankfully Drew joined for the last bit which was re-energizing. I was surprised to be leading the last couple of items to be honest, so I appreciated the help. I suppose I had one more in me at a slower rate, but there was no reason to push too much- I'll have another workout in 2 days and my mileage is increasing.