AM: Went to track, did not do anything very fast. Had some striders and joined a couple of guys for their speedwork and called it a day.
Stepping back from my running... The health benefits I've been getting from watching my diet intently, focusing on my macros/protein intake and sticking to raw food are pretty profound. My weight is not too low- 142 pounds- but my musculature is up and I'm very lean right now. It's evident that they 5x5s & 5x3s with maxing have had a direct effect on my musculature in my upper body. I'm around a 49% muscle mass percentage which is quite good for my size. I wanted to get down to 138, so I think I still have a little work to do, but I'm around 7.5% body fat which doesn't leave much room. A cut to 5.5-6% leaves me a pound short of that, and that's entering essential BF% area, so I think a safer number is 139-140 hydrated for my current level of fitness. That being said, I'm happy with the 142 hydrated, and it's a good weight to enter a race week at. The extra muscle is likely detrimental, but man does it feel good to have.
My race Sunday- half marathon and the first of the halfathon series. I didn't plan on doing anything special at it time-wise other than hanging on to a 5:45 and praying, however, this lower race weight creates an issue where I may be able to shoot for a higher goal such as a 1:13:30 at 5:39 pace and a PR. It'll be a tough call and likely a game-time decision. If I'm feeling relaxed and energetic, I may just go for it. The more than likely scenario though is I'll stick to the lead pack and conserve energy and shut my brain off for as long as possible. Either way, I'm elated I'm further along than I should be considering all of the setbacks. Even if Sunday doesn't go as planned, I know I'm making proactive moves for my fitness overall.