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Safety Harbor Half Marathon

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FL,United States

Member Since:

Feb 08, 2015



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Running Accomplishments:

Certified course PR's:

Mile: 4:28.0 (Florida, Jan 2020)

5K: 15:12 (FL, Jan. 2020)

10K: 31:44 (FL, Feb. 2020)

15K: 49:03 (FL, Feb. 2020)

1/2 Marathon: 1:10:34 (FL, Feb. 2020)

Marathon: 2:26:57 (WA, July 2019)

100k (63.7 miles, trail): 9:11:00 (FL, Jan. 2019)


I started running in 2010 and have (mostly) kept it a habit ever since!  

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AM: 2.5 miles

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Race: Safety Harbor Half Marathon (13.109 Miles) 01:13:46, Place overall: 1, Place in age division: 1
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Safety Harbor Half Marathon Race Report

Well, I'm going to keep this brief, as I am disappointed in the result.

Weather/Training/Course: Hilly course, but nothing that would deter a PR in my opinion.  Weather was a bit uncooperative (70s, humidity over 80%, high dew point), but I expect that by now.  I decided to shoot for sub 1:11 with a 5:24 pace (so 1:10:47), since  my mileage and speed have been great.  The only thing I've lacked was specificity for the half marathon and LT- man did that bite me in the behind.  Specificity, specificity, specificity.  I feel like if I say it enough times, I'll get the hint that I need to work on it.

The Race: I was all alone almost immediately in the race, which was too bad.  I started relaxed, but was working way too hard by mile three- I just wasn't smooth.  I didn't think that was a good read and assumed that I was just psyching myself out of it, but the wheels started coming off, and I was 13 seconds off by the 10k marker and falling and had only done one of the three main hills.  I was dejected at that point and clicked into cruise control in the right lane so to speak, my pacing rose to 5:58/mile for miles 10-12.  Mile 13 was okay (5:27), but that was only when I realized I was in danger of not even breaking 1:14. 

Fortunately, I rolled into the finish in 1:13:46 under that mark- however I will still have to grade this effort as a big, scarlet "F", having missed all four goals.  I appreciate the win in the race, but that is simply dependent on who shows up.  I do find some semblance of hope in that the second place guy was about 6 minutes behind me in 1:19, so maybe I lacked a bit of motivation later in the race because of that. 

As Drew would say, just  send this one into the wood-chipper and move on.  I can buy into that.

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AM: 15.1 with Nick and Elia.  I felt okay, 7:53/mile pace, good cadence.

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AM: 8.2 miles

PM: 9.1 miles

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AM: 10.1 miles, 3.0 of them faster with Dylan, 3x6:00 with 3:00 recoveries.

PM: 10.45 total miles with Brian, Nick, and John, 4.5 of them fast until failure.  The workout was ?x800 until failure descending paces with 200 jogging recoveries.  Figured it would be fun and a nice way to hit all the pace levels while still challenging myself.  We started at 6:00/mile pace for each 800m and descending by 10 seconds/mile for each 800 until we each respectively dropped off.  Brian stuck to the 6:00 pace after the 1st interval, Nick made it down to 5:40 pace, John dropped at 5:10 pace, and the last two I did on my own.  It was much easier when I wasn't the only one going.

Splits- 2:58, 2:54, 2:51 (missed but it was just poor pacing), 2:42, 2:39, 2:35, 2:28, 2:25, 2:21.7 (failure by 1.7 seconds)

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PM: 15 miles, 5 miles at marathon pace.

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AM: 8.65 miles slow

PM: 8.1 total, 3.5 fast.  Workout was solo, and was a 1x5200 followed by a 1x400 @ 5:21/mile pace.  I guess I wanted 5 continuous miles at that pace after a longer warmup (to make it like a tempo), but my legs weren't feeling it.  Mentally, I checked out early on, so settled with my brain at going for a 5k and then figured I'd just get back to the start line.  Crossed the 5k around 16:35ish and wasn't too taxed.

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AM: Did a double workout at OTF with some lifting.  Averaged 10-11 mph for the first half, and 11-12 for the 2nd half.  I felt fine.

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AM: 11 wicked taxing miles in New  York on some serious hills.  The snow, wind, and 20 degree temperatures made it a bit grueling.  I went slow.

Early PM: 2.3 miles

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Really had no opportunity to run today.  Goose egg.  

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PM 10.4 miles.

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AM: 3 miles at marathon pace with Dylan, 10.6 total.

PM: 10.7 total miles, then a weird workout (4.5 miles).  Jeremy and John wanted to run 800s at 5:19 pace with a long 400 recocvery, and I also wanted to do that pace, but with a bit more effort and much less recovery.  After the first 800, I switched to doing 1200s and recovered for 50-60 seconds jogging while they rejoined me at the start line.  This made it pretty perfect, as I received a short jog rest that I wanted and still was able to get that pace in while doing the longer-ish items I wanted.

Workout 1x800, 400 recovery, 4x1200 with 50-60 seconds recovery, 1x1600 to finish

Int.-     800,  1200, 1200,  1200,  1200,  1600

Splits- 2:41,  4:00,  4:00,  3:57,    3:57,  5:04


Overall, I am surprised by how easy this workout was.  I knew the pacing I wanted (5:19) wasn't too challenging, however, with the starting and stopping with the very short 50-60 seconds of rest, I figured I would be more taxed and mentally fatigued.  Usually in a situation like this I get a sense of uncertainty, but after today I definitely have some confidence- particularly with the workout this morning, as I was on tired legs a bit.

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PM: 8.4 miles with a ton of striders and then the gym- legs, chest, abs.  I hate leg day, but it's clear I need it after today- my lunges and squats have dropped off pretty epically.  I had to reset with just body weight at one point just to fix my form.  Sad.

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PM: 12.65 miles solo

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AM: 6 miles solo.  Felt a bit weird in my calf, so I think I will have to forego the workout planned for tonight and skip running tomorrow as a precaution. 

I'm not too worried about the injury (likely an acute, small calf strain or tear), just too close to the race next Saturday to play with it over a workout.  

PM: No running.  Calf tear.

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No running.  Calf tear.

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AM: 20 miles.  Definitely felt the calf, but nothing acute until mile 13.  Was too far away to stop my run, however.

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PM: 10.3 miles, 7 with Elia.  It was really nice to run with him.  The heat would have been a bit unbearable solo- it's already in the 80s and humid here again.  Thanks winter.

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AM: 8.8 miles, some fast with Alan,  Dylan, and Elia.

PM: 8.2 miles with the group.

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PM: I woke up this morning disappointed that I did not do a workout yesterday.  I knew I wanted to and it would help my confidence, but I just bailed on it simply so I could run with my friends.  Today I started feeling some anxieties about my race on Saturday as the doubt began creeping in: my speedwork has been specific, but not a long enough cycle.  I missed Friday speed and yesterday, as well as skipped two runs (one being a long run with effort).  Overall, my confidence was diminished because of this.  Anyway, I decided to do workout tonight to make up for it.  It will be interesting to see if it negatively affects me for Saturday and Sunday for both of my races.

Workout-10x100m striders, fully recover jogging, 1x12:00 at 5:00/mile.  I nailed the splits (2.4 miles total for the 12:00 interval).

The workout certainly felt like I was working- but I was working effortlessly.  My breathing was controlled and form held strong.  this really helps my confidence for the weekend.  I was worried about my calf, but it was a non-issue.  I did not feel great entering into the final interval, but that proved to be all in my mind.

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PM: 4.15 miles

I am ready.  I am going to shoot for a sub 50 minute 15k on Saturday, and likely aim for 5:19/mile pace on the way out (with the wind), and 5:21 for the trip back (against the wind). 

"C" Goal: The top 10 will be the first goal.  I know of 9 other runners who are in my speed range and doing the 15k, so it appears that seems like a reasonable "C" goal.  

"B" Goal: Top 5.  Top 5 wins you a minimum of $250 for 5th place and increases from there.  I know this race has the top runners in the area- it's nice to know I can compete against guys who are dealing with this crap weather right along with me, so to test my efforts is exciting for me.

"A" Goal: PR with a sub 49:59.  I just want to be under 50 minutes.  That is just one of those magical numbers for us weekend warriors who didn't run in college or high school that we can forever be proud of achieving.  I really want it badly.  I don't remember  ever wanting something this badly.

Yesterday's workout has me really psyched for Saturday.  I just have to relax, keep my form, keep my knee drive, and stay focused once we get into that second half of the race.  Ideally, I can stay with RJ for the first half, unless he decides to do something way too fast.  I'm hoping he plans on shooting for nothing faster than 5:15/mile (and ideally 5:19/mile), which is already out of my range.  If he does, then I might be stuck in no-man's land behind the top 5. 

Anthony is still uncertain if he will even run.  He doesn't usually like to run big races like this out of shape, so if he is feeling anything at all, he is out.  That being said, I  would love him to be there and clicking along right next to me or even ahead of me.  Similarly, I can't count on Jeremy to be in my range.  He doesn't usually dip under 5:35/mile for anything like this.  

The next group of 5 has James (who is a bit out of shape, so I hear), and then 4 other college guys.  The college guys are a bit of a wild card for obvious reasons.  If they have been training hard, then they will be ahead of me.  If they haven't been putting in miles and just doing workouts, then they will be in the 50-52 range.  I am selfishly hoping they are all in the 49:30-50:00-flat range.  

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No running

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Race: 2019 Gasparilla 15k (9.321 Miles) 00:50:29, Place overall: 5, Place in age division: 5
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2019 Gasparilla 15k Race Report

The conditions were terrible for the time of year: 70-80 degrees, super humid, sunny, crosswinds were not crazy but were constant, and high dew point.  That being said, the weather didn't seem to affect the lead runners in front of me too much (except for the 4th place guy), so my complaints are pretty empty because of that fact.

Start line: The race started off with me confident to break 50 minutes pretty handily.  I also figured I'd have a shot at top three and win some money!  Read on...

First mile: Welp, there goes that plan.  I was 20th place or so and was distinctly into the third group of runners with the lead group comprising of eight guys going about 5:00/mile pace, so I figured I would just go for the PR and whatever happens happens!  I crossed mile one right on target in 5:20, but was behind seemingly everyone.

Mile 2 and 3 went perfectly, and over the course of those miles I slid up to 9th place overall, with just that group of 8 in front of me.  

Miles 4-6 saw me fall 12 seconds behind my pace, however I guess I wasn't the only one suffering already.  Despite my slowing, I caught 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th, and put 20 seconds on them all.  This was a very weird experience so deep into the race to see that kind of drop off from the "faster" group.  

I was already 90 seconds behind first through fourth, but I knew 5th was guaranteed $$$ and who knows, maybe one of the top four aren't local... more on that later.

The second half I felt heavy and positive split by nearly a minute, but somehow managed to put 10 more seconds on the rest of the field behind me.  I really do not know how.  Either we all paced this race terribly, or the weather was beating everyone up today.  Even my final mile was a clunker at 5:27.  

In the end, I missed my goal by a minute, however this was all mitigated by the fact that apparently I managed the 2nd overall local runner, netting me $1,500!  Realistically, I did not run a time fast enough to win money of that amount, so I truly am fortunate. Who says money doesn't solve problems?  Have a bad day?  Oh... here's 1500 dollars.  Is your day a bit better?  Oh, why yes it is!  Thank you! 

Hopefully that's how it plays out.  I also now have an opportunity to win some more money tomorrow in the half marathon, so who knows?

Splits-  5:20, 5:20, 5:18, 5:28, 5:23, 5:23, 5:25, 7:25 (1.3 miles on lap, 5:37 pace), 5:27 (final mile)   for 1st half- 24:51, 2nd half- 25:38 (+0:47 split)

Places- 1st- 47:12, 2nd 47:44, 3rd 47:58, 4th 48:04, 5th me 50:29, 6th 50:56, 7th 51:06

Race: 2019 Gasparilla Half Marathon (Florida) (13.109 Miles) 01:13:11, Place overall: 8, Place in age division: 7
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2019 Gasparilla Half Marathon Race Report (Day 2)

The conditions were the same as yesterday's  race, but fortunately today there was 100% cloud cover, allowing some semblance of mercy.

Start line: Lining up next to some of the pros was cool.  Parker Stinson, fresh off a 1:02:11 a month ago, was a cool sight.  I actually felt pretty recovered from yesterday.  I suppose my preparation has a bit to do with that, but I was thankful nonetheless.  I decided to be super conservative this race, and planned on averaging 5:40-5:45 miles, depending on how I felt- I just didn't want to blow up, especially with how terrible I felt just 22 hours ago.

Miles 1-5: Easy peasy.  You start the race by looping Davis Island, and honestly it is the simplest 5 miles of any run you'll ever do.  I was 30th going over the bridge to the island and probably about 18th or so heading back over the bridge exiting the island.  

Miles 6-8: Clicked off nice and easy and I started dropping my pace.  The wind was really hitting us head on, but I just felt good.  I would catch one person, hang on, then speed up to the next one.  I continued this method until I was in 11th place, passing one of the Kenyans (I mean Americans...) who was over-heating and quit the race.  The wind was tough in this section- mile 7 was an anomally because of it, but other than that mile things clicked pretty well.

Mile 9 had me catching the final two guys putting me into 8th place overall.  I was very excited by that.  I was definitely sore from yesterday, but I was very focused today to persevere through the pain.  

Miles 10-13 went by fine.  I was enjoying the cheering from the runners who were passing on the far side of Bayshore Blvd- they were a welcomed group.  The air went from windy to "dead" in this stretch (wind was probably at my back), and it was so uncomfortably hot.  I was sweating from everywhere and my glasses were fogging from humidity- had I jumped in a pool I would have probably felt just as wet.

I saw the lead female and... I could not believe it- Austin Richmond- ahead of me by about 35 seconds at one point at mile 10.  I knew Austin was a local runner, but I also knew he runs a 46:00-flat 15k, so he wasn't worth catching.  Even if I caught him, he'd easily pull away.

Finish & Final thoughts- I was really proud of myself.  I could have just mailed it in and I even had thoughts after yesterday that I would just be setting myself up for failure by even doing the race at all.  I began the first third of the racee aiming for a sub 1:15 and worked it all the way down to a sub 1:14 at the half way mark.  Then, over the last third I almost cracked 1:13 and had some left in the tank. 

I am really happy that my 5:25/mile pace yesterday translated into a 5:35 pace the next day in a longer race.  I figured 0:15-0:20/mile was more likely.  Considering Austin's was +0:22/mile from both days, I am even more pleased.

Money- Apparently, I am second overall local runner again, lucking myself into another $1,500 today!  That makes a two day total of $3,000, just for doing something I love to do!  I am thankful no one faster showed up, and that's not modesty.  Realistically, I did not run times that are fast enough to win money of that amount.  It just goes to show you, it's all about who shows up, and you never know- last year I wouldn't even be walking away with $500 let alone $3,000.  

Splits-  5:44, 5:43, 5:53, 5:27, 5:35, 5:35, 5:46, 5:34, 5:32, 5:32, 5:24, 5:28, finish-5:56 (5:17/mile)

for 1st half- 36:53, 2nd half- 36:18 (-0:25 split)

Places- 1st- (Scott Fauble) 1:05:09, 2nd (Elkanah Kibet) 1:05:13, 3rd (Augustus Maiyo) 1:05:22, 4th (Parker Stinson) 1:06:29, 5th 1:09:42, 6th (Austin) 1:12:25, 7th 1:12:29, 8th (me) 1:13:11, 9th 1:13:49, 10th 1:14:04

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No running.

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AM: Track, ran with Elia and Dylan.  Had them work on their pacing and leading the group.  Worked on my form and on being relaxed.  Felt fine.

PM: 9.3 total, 3.5 fast.  2x400, 1x800, 1x1600, 1x800, 2x400, 4x200

Splits-  1:13, 1:12, 2:32, 5:02, 2:27, 1:09, 1:03, no splits for the 200s, but took them pretty easy.

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PM:  14.7 with Elia.

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PM: 13.6 with Elia.

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