Way cold! (low 30s) Spandex, double long sleeve, running gloves weather. What is the right amount of clothes for walking isn't right for running. Walked 1 mile, stretched, ran 4.1 (7:59 ave pace, no gps, used course tool to figure out ex post facto), walked back to car. 6.14 miles total. Later AM: 7.5 miles biking with Marion and her daughter's bike, which I swear has it's back breaks half on, it seemed so much slower then when I borrowed Sasha's bike. PM: Walked 1.75, then stretching, the ab workout, then my son ben made a choc cake and insisted on full fat, but the recipe called for crisco, so it was kind of good but not as good as a cake with butter in it, but I ate it anyway. I am not dietarily virtuous.