AM: walked 2 miles on treadmill, then stretching, then workout on elliptical, some crazy endurance program for 30 minutes, I was sweating so bad by the end of that, then I went manual and did level 4, jumping to 6 then 7 for one minute each three times. I didn't feel too strong, ok I guess I felt pretty out of shape, but I didn't give up, and the workout's money in the bank. (I have 15 cents in my bank now :) ). Last time I did a hard workout on the elliptical I had pain in my right groin toward the beginning that subsided after a minute or two, and today had the same thing. My right lower calf tendons still achy, but didn't hurt acutely during exercise. PT this afternoon and hopefully running 2 miles, though i don't look forward to doing them on the treadmill :(