Warning - PG level expletives. Holy mother of crap! Second day in a row of too much pain to run. I ran about .6 out with MacK, stopped and stretched. The pain was as bad as yesterday, but I enjoyed being with her and didn't want to stop. On the way back I was at first jogging but was laughing too much which made my bum hurt so I had to start walking because I wasn't going to stop telling my funny story. So we walked the rest of the way. I am going to beg for a dctr appointment today, camp out until Dr. Brady can see me. I hate how everyone but me got the day off yesterday. That just delays my treatment by one day. Crap crap double crappity crap. Update - went to Dr. Brady. First was the rubdown and hot stone treatment with Megan, then she put the stem patches on me for 15 min, and that felt so good. It felt like worms crawling around between the four patches, placed about 6 inches apart in a square. Sounds gross from that description but it felt so good. Then Dr. Brady, questions about how it felt, ultrasound, massage therapy, chiro adjustments, stretching, and the grand finale, electro acupuncture, and he even favored me with an extra long needle coming in from the side, which he had to push in with several strokes, it was long. Eek. The diagnosis is inflammation/irritation of the joint where my tailbone and my pelvic bone meet, its called the SI joint or something. He said one of the bones meeting at that joint is the same bone Josse's been talking about with her injury, the sacrum? Anyway, he says no running until my next treatment (Thursday), but that he could tell I didn't let it go long, and my muscles and joints reacted well to the stretching and stuff, much better than his bad cases with this problem IB 3x in the next day and icing 3x/day until the next treatment. Now, where are my pills. Oh gosh, how will I cope with not running for another couple of days?