Ran on my lunch break today and it was very nice. I will try to run at lunch tomorrow also. I figured since I have been staying late to help with the tours I was a little bit more justified to run at lunch. Hopefully my boss feels the same.
Anyway even though my left heel was pretty buggy the entire run it felt so good to be out in the sunny daylight! When I run here at luch there are a few different routs I have. Most of the time I run down the unused train trakes to get onto the parkway. You can go either south or north ( I usually go south... I think I can get more miles that direction) So I ran north today and there was some workers paving some of the the trail that has not been paived. I got to be the first person to run on the new asphalt! It was steal warm in places. Running this direction also has the draw back of the live train track that you need to cross, and sure enough today there was a train. So I back tracked a bit to let it pass. I have been yelled at by workers before. The tracks are ellivated to the path so I thought it was better to stay out of sight til the train had passed. I had the fort to myself and circled the pond twice. Then I needed to circle the parking lot just a bit to make it an even 5.
If I run this direction tomorrow... I might go out onto some other paths to try to get the milage I want.
I think my AP was 9:05... I slowed quite a bit in the last mile, I think this was when I reall started to feel my heel... so off to get my frozen water bottle for my feet. :) have a happy Thursday bloggers! |