The congestion of my cold was worse today. When I get stressed out I tend to shut down, and the last few weeks have had some added stresses that I have been thinking about. My mother in law is back home but I'm reminded by my husband the extra time I need to take to make sure she is doing OK... My mother always reminds me that I'm not doing enough to make sure she is OK. Shopping for gifts that I'm worried will not be what people want or like. Knowing that I have less then six weeks to complete a doll/sculpture for my sister's birthday, and it's not working out! These are the things that are running through my head... Tomorrow Sue and I will run... then get breakfast and exchange gift. This is one of the other traditions we have had since we became running friends. I had to pick up one last thing for her present after work... as I was walking throught the parking lot to the store a car came around the corner and hit me.... not hard but I had to slam both hands one her hood and kinda jump around the side of her car as to not get hit hard. It was a young girl on a cell phone in a little Honda civic type car. She was not going fast and I didn't get hurt. But my reaction was to just turn and walk away... I started to tear up on the way into the store... this made me realize that I was very stressed. If I had not been so stressed I probably would have yelled at her. I also get quite when I'm stressed. After all that the mindless droning of running on the treadmill actually felt pretty good. I just set it for an hour and ran... no thinking about all the stuff that is stressing me.