Could not get myself out of bed this morning AGHHHH I swear I really need to because it was 97 degrees when I left work, without even a stitch of a breeze. I ended up running on the treadmill, I know this is bad... but I can zone out for an hour and then it's done! Had a bad weekend after the race. We had to put down our old dog. We had her for about 14 years. I don't think my youngest daughter can remember life without her. She was my first trail running buddy and so far the best dog we have owned to run with. I was really hoping she would make it through the summer, but it became very clear ealier this week that she was not doing well. So after my race, my husband convinced me it was not good to keep her going on this way. I guess she always loved winter better... she hated the hot weather, she was big and black. So sad, my two youngest 19 and 16 were so sad, and still are. 6.48 miles - 60 minutes average pace 9:22