For those of you that have been worried about me… sorry for being absent, but I will explain what has been going on.
I had a big fat 0 on Thursday because I just could not get out of bed, and then I had a work banquet that night. I have been at this company for 15 years in November. Pretty crazy! I got a run on Friday… nothing too great just an easy one, and same with Saturday morning.
So I have been having a VERY stressful week. I have not been feeling very well either. My husband started a week long vacation on Saturday and I knew that he really wanted to get away and do something fun. I’m usually not very good at being spontaneous. But Saturday morning after my run we packed up and took both our mothers and our youngest daughter and drove to Vegas! So my runs on Monday and Tuesday were on the Vegas strip!! I got my butt slapped on Monday as I ran through an intersection! Pretty wild! We took my mother so she could visit one of he brothers that she has not seen in a few years. We took my mother-in-law because she loves to gamble just like my husband and our youngest daughter just so she could have some fun also. My youngest son could not get off work, so he stayed home.
I had a wonderful time! I relaxed by the pool and read my book. We did all three rides on top of the Stratosphere Casino, and saw three shows! It felt really good to just decompress after last week. The one thing that was probably bad was all the food that I ate! Holy Cow! Yep I probably ate as much as a cow!
So today I ran before work… parent teacher conference tonight. Didn’t get a lot of miles in, but it was an OK run. I’m still experiencing some quick but strong bouts of nausea at times, it’s kinda weird. I had some tummy issues this morning, but I think that had more to do with all the junk I ate over the weekend. So it’s back to being more watchful of my diet and I hope it helps with both the tummy issues and maybe the nausea issue. It took me a while to feel warmed up to run this morning… still a bit achy even at the end.
5.28 miles – 47:23
Laps: 9:01, 9:40, 9:12, 8:39, 8:30, (.28) 8:23, |