I went to Virginia Beach this weekend for the Shamrock Half marathon with the goal of running sub 1:11 in order to qualify for complimentary entry into Rock and Roll half marathons and to see if I am in sub 2:30 marathon shape. To put it mildly, the months of consistent aerobic oriented strength work really showed through for me today. What's even more amazing was how fast I ended up running for the last 5K-15:56...not even kidding. I had a 5 minute half marathon PR!
The Kenyans lined up ahead of us at the beginning. I found it rather amazing at how incredibly tiny/small they were and how skinny their legs were...it's like they were built to run. I was intimidated by their presence. Obviously incredibly efficient for running economy. Us non professional, bigger boned guys started well behind them (good choice).
The first few miles were done in a reasonable pace by feel which turning out to be 5:30 pace. My first splitI took was 16:29 at 3 miles. I was still running with a lady elite and a large pack at this point. I settled into a pack of 5 or 6 guys after that and they helped to block the wind. By the 10K point (33:58) it was just me, my teammate Doug, some Saucony Hurricane dude, and a guy who had a spot of grayhair and was breathing really hard. We quickly got to work and began running low 5:teens, a 5:17, two 5:15s, then we really began to push. I think I ran through 10 miles in 53:45ish or something. Doug and I worked together the whole way and really pushed it, like all out surging and hammering. Miles 11, 12, 13 were really quick, sub 16 pace. Once we turned to the finish, I gave it everything I had, really dipping into the well...but I was no match for the speed Doug posessed...( a 1:50/4:07 800m/mile guy in college). I crushed it and ran 1:09:45 to Doug's 10:09:37. Without Doug to work with, neither of us would have run that fast alone. That's the beauty of having teammates and training partners to work with!
I'm still in a bit of amazement at how fast we crushed the second half. Going out in mid to high 5:20s, crushing everyone in the pack we were with, and catching straglers who went out too fast was a good choice. I have no doubt that I can break 2:30 for my marathon in April after that result. Also, according to McMillan, that time is equivalent to 15:04 5K and a 31:17 10K which is to say I think I have some more PRs in future in 2015 when I switch focus to shorter distances!
Below I have listed the splits. I recorded my first split at 16:29 for 3 miles then recorded splits from there on out. I averaged about 5:16 or so for the last 10K and ran the last 5K in 15:56!!!! (assuming the mile markers are correct of course. Either way Doug and I crushed it and showed our potential for future races. Go CAR!
5:30, 5:30, 5:29, 5:26, 5:23, 5:28, 5:17, 5:16, 5:15, 5:10, 5:09, 5:07, 5:40(1.1 miles)
Results Looks like there were some fast boys from Ohio whose names I remember from back in the day

Doug and I getting down to business