Updated to relfect actual course distance of 9.39 miles
There was a major accident in Potomac Park where a woman was hit by a guy on a motorcycle, causing race officials to shorten the course which has been re-measured at 9.54 miles. However, this would assume 5:06 pace and that I went 5:02 pace or slightly better for the 1.54 miles in the middle, which I'm not so sure about, though not impossible since I did make a move to get ahead of a pack of GRC guys and my fourth mile was 5:05. Two different garmin readings read 9.44 and 9.45 for the course so I will go with 9.45. In fact, time bonuses for the professional elites may not happen, since people have called into question the legitimacy of the course re-measurement. Here's what I do know from the splits I was able to take:
5:10, 5:17, 5:08, 5:05, xx, 5:08, 5:14, 5:16, 5:09
5:10 avg. first 4, 5:11 avg. for last 4. Assuming the course was 9.45 9.39 I ran 5:09 5:11 pace for that distance. However, the easiest way to know what I may have been able to run for ten miles would be to assume that the two additional miles in there would be 5:11 and 5:12 since that's what I averaged overall for those 8 miles the distance. That would put me somewhere between 51:30-51:40 51:50-52:00 which is a great 10 mile for me right now--even better than my 1:09:45 half. The results estimate my 10 mile time at 51:57.
How the race played out
Perfect weather, low wind, felt great. First mile, 5:10-wow so fast, no effort! 10:27 through two miles. Tried to contain it a bit and run smart but I was just flowing-a really great feeling. 15:36, and 20:41 through 4 miles. Ran with a pack of GRC guys for a bit before I gunned it when the course diverted, missed 1.5 or so in there before an accurate course marker could be found.
Paul pushed the pace a bit and was ahead of me for a little while before I decided to risk it and put in the long drive toward the finish. I was falling off pace a bit due to my mid race exuberance, running completely alone but obviously pushed very hard in that last mile and I was gaining on Jerry and Kieran (two other very fast local guys) but they were too far ahead to catch.
Race Video I'm actually listed in the open results since I'm top 25! Considering the international caliber of this race with professionals, I'll take 24th as a club runner. I wonder what the top "guys with full time jobs other than running" results were ;)
All in all I've once again exceeded my expectations. All those drab winter days running twice a day, the long marathon paced strength workouts, the Friday nights in avoiding all the drinking, all the foam rolling, gym work, pool work, and early bed times were totally worth it. Having my coach George keep me even and having my training partners Greg, Marty, Susanna, and Doug there to help me stay motivated and push past my limits have helped me tremendously. I wouldn't be having so much fun running fast without them!
There's nothing quite like a well executed race and the feeling of pushing past your limits. It not only opens up possibilities in athletics, but in all facets of life. Persevere through life and Believe in yourself!
Beautiful full blossom Cherry Trees

Photo By Cheryl Young
On to the marathon!