The "Westlake Wobble" was kind of a last minute decision. Put together by some of the residents partially due to so many of the usual races being cancelled. Advertised as no signup, no fees, no times. It turned out there was a guy that called out the start and recorded people's places as the finished.
I had 10 miles on the schedule for today, but figured why not. Sophia was going to walk it with one of her friends so we left the house together and walked to the club house. As we got closer, I jogged a little bit for warmup but we got there pretty much right before it was going to start. I had thought about getting up early enough to run about 2 miles and do some strides first.
There were 3 high school age kids and another that couldv'e maybe been middle school. We ran north up Lakeview and took a left onto Pinewood, curving around back to Village Way. About a half mile in I caught the middle schooler. From Village Way back to Lakeview and a quick right onto Sandy Hook. Runing up Sandy Hook I eventually caught two of the high school boys. My pace had slowed a little. I wasn't losing ground on the first place guy but wasn't gaining either. Got to the top of the hill where it crosses Lakeview again and then turns into Woodcutter. I wasn't breaking 7:00 like I wanted to, kind of going around the same speed as I did when I did the informal 3 mile time trial about 2 months ago.
Crossed over Westlake Blvd (fortunately no cars to wait for), headed north a bit, then crossed back again. Coming up a little hill a guy called out to me "catch him on the hill". I gained a little bit but still way too far to outkick. Back onto Village Way, heading downhill and got to the finish line back on Lakeview near the clubhouse.
My splits were: 7:05, 7:10, 5:39 (0.81 @6:54 pace)
Not long after I finished, the two other high schoolers finished and then I can't remember if it was the first place female or the soldier wearing a weighted vest.
Next, I saw Jessica coming around the corner pushing Charlotte Dani in the stroller, so I walked with them for about a mile, then I started the rest of my run.
Next part was 7.23 miles on an out and back route to Conservation Park via Eniswood neighborhood and Alt 19
Rest of the day was good with a brunch at Jessica's parents house on their pool patio and then later dessert at my parents house along with Tom and Andy as well as myself, Jessica, Charlotte, and Sophia
Lots to be thankful for today!