Nothing structured today, just
wanted to get in 10 miles. Ran at Longleaf with the group, although a lot of my regular running partners were not there, I did run bits and pieces with various people. Sometimes it's just nice to know others there even if you don't run with them.
Felt pretty good at the start with an 8:50
mile, then each mile got a little faster, hardly looked at the watch
while running, things seemed to just flow. My last full mile was 6:43. Felt renewed at the end.
I brought some banana bread this morning that I made Tuesday night. Several people raved about it which made me feel good as I've never felt like much of a baker. The bananas were from the backyard - it was a big bunch, they all ripen at the same time so I'm in a mad dash of eating them, giving them away and making banana bread

I'm racing the Komen 10K on Saturday. I ran that race last year and did better than I thought I could after having been injured for a few months. I also did that race 2 years before that time and broke 40:00 for the first time. I love the course there and hope to do well and enjoy the race.