Started at Longleaf with Bob T, Mike, Beka, and one other guy. I
quickly fell back and was running by myself, but eventually caught up
with Bob for a quick stop at Craig and Diane's house.
Then, ran with
Bob until inside Starkey park which was nice as I had been feeling a bit
low on energy. Talking with someone else makes the run go by much
nicer. Then, ran by myself a bit, before catching up to Kim L. and Rachel G.
We ran together for a bit before I turned off the bike path to run off
road a bit and then back towards Longleaf.
Parts of this run were a bit of a struggle and I never quite got up to that feeling really good pace which just happens to pick up with the same or less effort and more relaxation. But, it wasn't bad also.
Rain held off but it was a
little bit muggy. We need the rain.
Back home in time to take Thomas bowling and enjoy my recovery breakfast of Dr. Pepper and bacon,egg,cheese sandwich (also had time to gulp down a muscle milk on the way there). Only one more week of bowling after this, then I'll have a little more time.