My uncle, who's a chiopractor (whom I lovingly address as Quack-O-Practer) did pound and dangle my S1-5 region back into place and pronounced Bursitis of the Hip, a result of repetative motion and compression of S-4&5.  This explains why sitting in the car, sleeping on my side, and sitting on a hard chair continues to hurts me even though I can walk. He also says I made a big mistake alternating the heat with the ice the days before the race. I should have stuck with the ICE only. He also insisted on an X-Ray to rule out stress fracture--since every woman in my family has suffered a broken hip by the age of 65 (which explains why I'm terrified of my own hips all the time).  So now I'm waiting on a referral to Dr. Skow (?) Given my long history of rotating inflamation-itis of every tendon and ligament a body can contain, this is probably inflamation of a Bursus Sac-- which would also explain why my leg won't turn right and feels like it has a wad of nervy tissue keeping my leg out of its socket. |