| Location: UT, Member Since: Dec 31, 2007 Gender: Female Goal Type: Marathon Finish Running Accomplishments: I ran my first marathon as a teenager in 1981 with my Dad (The Coronado Marathon). Since then I've run St, George (3x) Utah Valley (3x) Ogden (1 full, 2 halves) Park City (1 x) Boston Marathon (1x) Washington DC (1x) Moab Half Marathon (6x) ,Ye Old Freedom Festival 5 & 10K (a million x) and many others.
But I'm all done with that now. I'm officially a jogger. Short-Term Running Goals: My running goal is to keep on keepin' on.
Long-Term Running Goals: Jog into the sunset. Personal: I like being outside. Favorite Blogs: |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 43.06 | 14.20 | 57.26 |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 4.00 | 3.00 | 7.00 |
| I may not have actually slept 7 hours last night. I try to go to bed early, but I rarely can sleep well on Sunday nights. By 6:30, I was just proud to get out of bed and get out there. I ran a soft warm up mile, and met Sasha and Jeff down the trail. I then ran 3 faster miles--but three all together without stopping (8:24/8:00/8:17) Sasha's watch had me going a little faster, but I'll take these times (a little uphill none-the-less). We stopped at the house for a while to try and get the heart rate monitor hooked up to the Garmin --to no avail. While I stood there fidgeting with the Garmin, the sweat was just dripping down my arms. The overcast, humidity always makes for great sweating --or as I like to call it "hero sweating." A pretty schizophrenic running pattern today, but a great start to the week. Day 4 with no processed / refined foods or sugar, or chocolate :( I have not yet become homicidal, but the day is still young. | Comments(6) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 8.08 | 0.00 | 8.08 |
| Today was my last run with Amanda. I drove across the valley to where she's staying (before they move to Virginia) and we ran on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, up against the foothill. I'm not gonna lie, it was hard. It's the kind where it's lucky if you can keep it under 10:00 m/m without twisting an ankle. Steep up and down hills, dirt trails, sand & rocks. But what a way to break out of a rut (mentally and physically). Amanda was telling me that's how Cross Country was back in New York...all trails. And it reminded me of all my East County San Diego trails (minus the jackrabbits and rattlesnakes). It was fun to run those up and down hills together in the really early morning light. I will miss her. She is the toughest, strongest, strawberry blond, tiny girl I've ever known. If you saw her on the street, you'd think she was adorable, and you'd have no idea how tough she is. Those are my favorite kind of people, the kind you wrongly underestimate. It's been a pleasure to know her. Maybe I'll have good reason to go more often to the East coast, or heck, I may just move there in the next few years. I came home and threw in an extra 3 on the flat trail. I always feel guilty running without the dogs, so I thought they needed a few miles too. It was all slow running (the whole 8 averaged 10:00 m/m). But I have a lot of miles to run this week, so taking it easy and breaking it up today was a good opportunity. Farewell Amanda.... | Comments(1) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 8.00 | 0.00 | 8.00 |
| Ran a really slow 8 miles with Josse up the canyon. I would now like to report on the eating. Today is day 6 without maltodextrin (fake sugar), refined flour/sugar, hydrogenated anything, and chocolate (and so far no red meat--although it's not banned). I have been eating nine grain cereal, nectarines, eggs, fresh salsa, black/pinto beans, brown rice, whole wheat tortillas, talpia/salmon, cantelope, mustard greens/kale/beetgreens, beets, salads, broccoli, garden tomatoes, cilantro, and chicken. In addition, I have been taking calcium/magnesium, vitimin D, a B-spectrum, fish/flax/borage/olive oil, I have been snacking on raw foods flax crackers, almonds, hazlenuts, and sunflour seeds. During the day, I feel great-- light and good energy. However, my body has spent much energy 'evacuating' old inventory, and the running is VERY, VERY, HARD. Today, I could barely maintain an 8:50 pace. I was tired, low energy, and had to stop for a desperate vpb (a very V of the pb I might add). I thought Monday was just Monday (hard to get going and stay moving), I thought yesterday it was the hills, but today there was no excuse and I just dragged myself through 8 miles. I will do this for one month. Josse said that it would take 2 weeks to really get used to (detox) and to be sure and stay hydrated. I know she's right. So, I will go for one month because I said I would. But man am I glad I didn't decide to do this the month before St. George. I was hoping it would give me more running energy, not drain it. Also, as some weird byproduct--I can't sleep at night. I do have trouble sometimes sleeping-- but I think it's the chocolate withdrawl. I always eat 2-3 squares of 70% cocoa dark Swiss chocolate a day. But since I started this thing, I am not sleeping more than 6 hours (laying in bed for a least 2 hours before falling asleep). I did not anticipate this many truly noticable side effects up front. I didn't think I ate that differently and even now can't put my finger on what the biggest 'sacrifice' has been. Maybe red meat and chocolate. I think I need to add in some almond butter, yougurt and banana today for some extra calories or something. Thanks Josse for sticking with me today! You wanted a recovery run, you got it. | Comments(7) |
| Race: |
Pioneer Day Classic (6.2 Miles) 00:51:23, Place overall: 31, Place in age division: 1 | Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 2.50 | 6.20 | 8.70 |
| Who loves PIONEER DAY? I DO! I got a Gold Medal and everything. I was actually planning a 10 mile run today, but Camden suggested the Pioneer Day 10K Classic in Provo. It's a hilly course, which I love, so I thought putting my thick pioneer calf muscles to good use today would be a great tribute to my Danish grandmother who came across the plains with one of Handcart Companies. I ran a 2.5 mile warm up up and down University Ave. and then went to meet Camden who is staying at her mom's (.4 from the start). It was so home-town, but well organized. I was excited about "the hill" ("Goliath" as they were promoting it). They even had a bag-piper at the foot of it playing for the runners. It's not like I PR'd or anything, But I got first in my age division and 31st overall (well, there were only like 200 people in the race). But it was a good run. I kept it steady and strong. I loved the uphill parts and found a great downhill stride, but lost a little steam on the last mile (mostly because I was mis-directed by a volunteer right before mile 5 who shuted me into the 5K race, where a block later, another volunteer recognized my 10K sticker and told me to go back (I had missed the 10K turn). It's ok, a few extra tenths today. Jeff won the whole thing (but technically tied because of some glitch with the chip). He needed a ride home because his wife had to take the car to get to work. So I gave him a ride. He still had to get to work himself. I was thinking, what is that like? Get up in the morning, take first in a race, get a little money and a beautiful winners watch, and then head off to work. I guess I'll never know.... because I have the day off. My daughter loved my gold medal and has been wearing it for half an hour. I said "live it up sweety, that may be Mama's only gold medal EVER." It's no Deseret News Marathon, but Happy Pioneer Day! | Comments(12) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 13.00 | 4.00 | 17.00 |
I was not sure about how long Catherine wanted to run on Saturday, so I switched my long run to today. Although I felt strong yesterday, performance running is different than regular training, so my legs were a little tired and I kept having issues (thirsty, foot pain, bathroom stops). My friend Marisa drove out from Mapleton, and we ran the canyon. Only, at Bridal Veil Falls, they had the whole thing cordoned off due to the fire that was started last night, so we had to turn around and run my least favorite part of the trail twice to accumulte the miles. So twice uphill, twice against the mouth-of-the-canyon winds in the early a.m. I hope that somehow that counts as reisistance training. Marisa is a really fast runner, but has only ever run a half marathon. She was really pleased to go 17 miles today. It was good to have her along. We got in about 4 faster downhill miles (8:17/8:22/8:13/8:27) but the average run was 8:52 by the garmin, but adding in bathroom and drink stops, the average was more like 9:17. But it feels good to have a 17 miler in the bank already I can't wait to run my favorite trails in Marblehead, Cape Cod MA, and Newport, RI next week. I may be able to squeeze one in to Providence RI as well. Running with a view of the ocean is so fantastic, I can't wait. I was going to go to NYC but decided to spend more time with family and friends in MA. I always run in the same place in the city (Hudson River Parkway), and it's hard on my feet, ankles, and hips (it's granite flagstone). Today, I'm going to spend afteroon lounging with Catherine and the kids at her pool.. I can't believe how lucky to have these past two days to relax--and that's before my real vacation even starts. Bonus. | Comments(5) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 7.48 | 1.00 | 8.48 |
| I saved my run today until 7:30 p.m. I wanted more than 24 hours between my long run yesterday, and today. It was basically a recovery run. If I wasn't so tired, I would love to run in the afternoons. The light is so special this time of day; golden, mellowed. Then half way through my run grey clouds came quickly, dark and low. The wind picked up in the tops of the trees. I got a few drops of rain. I turned back to look over the alfalfa fields, and the grey clouds had white veils falling from them, then fingers of lightening reached out of the clouds down to the lake. The setting sun, just peeking out of a few grey clouds as it approached the Ochre Mountains. The small black birds scattered and diving above the fields in the wind. Summer rain is so sultry. I am sometimes overcome by how beautiful the outside world can be. | Comments(4) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 43.06 | 14.20 | 57.26 |
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